
B5 - Weltwirtschaftliche Integration und die neue Firmenorganisation

Iris Kesternich and Monika Schnitzer

Who is Afraid of Political Risk: Multinational Firms and their Choice of Capital Structure

Journal of International Economics, forthcoming

Dalia Marin

Germany's Super Competitiveness - A Helping Hand from Eastern Europe

published her articel at VOXEU, June 20

Dalia Marin

Are Multinational Banks Different?

Economic Policy, forthcoming

Monika Schnitzer (joint with Claudia Buch (NA), Christian Arndt (NA))

FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry Level View

Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Topics, forthcoming

Monika Schnitzer (joint with Iris Kesternich)

Who is Afraid of Political Risk? Multinational Firms and their Choice of Capital Structure

Journal of International Economics, forthcoming

Maria Lehner, Monika Schnitzer

Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host Countries

forthcoming in Journal of Comparative Economics (2008)

Christian Mugele, Monika Schnitzer

Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership Structure

forthcoming in International Journal of Industrial Organization (2008)

Elhanan Helpman, Dalia Marin, Thierry Verdier

The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy

Harvard University Press, forthcoming, 2008

Christa Hainz, Sophie Claeys

Foreign Banks in Eastern Europe: Mode of Entry and Effects on Bank Interest Rates

Liebscher, Klaus, Christl, Josef, Mooslechner, Peter and Ritzberger-Grünwald, Doris (Eds.), Financial Development, Integration and Stability in Central, Evidence from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Edgar Elgar, November, 2006, Pp 305-321

Christa Hainz

Business Groups in Emerging Markets - Financial Control and Sequential Investment

Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2007

Dalia Marin, Thierry Verdier

Power Inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007

Dalia Marin, Thierry Verdier

Power inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach

Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA), Volume: 6, June, 2008

Dalia Marin, Monika Schnitzer

Disorganization and Financial Collapse

European Economic Review, Volume: 49, 2005, Pp 387

Keywords: Transition, Financial crisis, Output fall, Credit constraint, Barter
JEL classification: G3, P3, D2, O1

Daniel Sturm

Product Standards, Trade Disputes, and Protectionism

Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming

Thomas Müller, Monika Schnitzer

Technology Transfer and Spillovers in International Joint Ventures

Journal of International Economics, 2006

Keywords: Foreign direct investment, International joint ventures, Technology transfer, Technology spillovers, Multinational firms
JEL classification: D43, F21, F23, L13, P31, O12

Daniel Sturm, John List

How elections matter:theory and evidence from environmental policy

Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming

Christa Hainz, Sophie Claeys

Foreign Banks in Eastern Europe: Mode of Entry and Effects on Bank Interest Rates

Austrian National Bank, European Economic Integration: Financial Development, Integration and Stability in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 2005

Prof. Dr. Dalia Marin

Seminar für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ludwigstraße 28
80539 München
Tel.: (089) 2180-2446
Fax: (089) 2180-6227

Prof. Dr. Monika Schnitzer

Seminar für Komparative Wirtschaftsforschung
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Akademiestr. 1/III
80799 München
Tel.: (089) 2180-2217
Fax: (089) 2180-2767