C5 - Wettbewerbspolitik als Steuerung von Wettbewerbsprozessen
A Short Overview of a Methodology for the Ex-Post Review of Merger Control Decisions
De Economist, forthcoming
Welfare in Differentiated Oligopolies with more than Two Firms
International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming
The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity
The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming
Lending by Cooperative Banks, Private Credit Banks and Saving Banks: An Emirical Analysis of Subsidized Loans for Young and Small Firms
Schmollers Jahrbuch - Zeitshrift für Wirtschafts-
und Sozialwissenschaften (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies), forthcoming
Settle for Now but Block for Tomorrow: The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools
Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming
Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets
Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming
All Equilibria of the Vickrey Auction
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume: 114, 2004, Pp 170 - 177
together with A3
Buyers' Alliances for Bargaining Power
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 13(4), 2004, Pp 731 - 754
together with A3
The impact of ISO 9000 Diffusion on Trade and FDI: A New Institutional Analysis
Journal of International Business Studies 39(4): 613-633 (2008)
Weniger und effektiv: Ökonomische Prüfverfahren könnten die EU - Beihilfenkontrolle stärken
WZB Mitteilungen, Volume: 111, March, 2006, Pp 27-31
Market Conduct and Endogenous Lobbying: Evidence from the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2006
Why Firms form (or don’t form) RJVs
Economic Journal, 2007
Noch nicht Optimal: Die Wirkung von Auflagen in EU- Fusionskontollverfahren
WZB Mittelungen, Volume: 110, December, 2005, Pp 28-31
Merger Remedies
S. Vogt, M. Albert and D. Schmidtchen(eds.):The More Economic Approach to European Competition Law, Conferences on the New Political Economy 24, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, 2007, Pp 255-266
Efficiency Gains from Mergers
European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defense, Edward Elgar, 2006
The Impact of the New Substantive Test in European Merger Control
European Competition Journal, forthcoming
Complementarity in Innovation Policy
European Economic Review, Volume: 49, August, 2005, Pp 1431 - 1450
JEL classification: L5, 031, 038
EU Merger Remedies: An Empirical Assessemt
J. Stennek and V. Ghosal Eds., The political Economy of Antitrust, Contributions to Economic Analysis, North-Holland, forthcoming
Keywords: Merger Control, Remedies, European Commission, Event Studies
JEL classification: L4, K21, C12, C13
Der ökonomische Ansatz in der europäischen Wettbewerbspolitik
Monopolkommission: Zukunftsperspektiven der Wettbewerbspolitik, Nomos Verlag (ed.), Colloquium anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Monopolkommission, 2005
Ökonomische Analyse des Begriffs "significant impediment to effective competition"
Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed.), forthcoming
Ökonomische Analyse in der EU Wettbewerbspolitik
Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 11. Internationales Kartellrechtsforums, St. Gallen, Helbing & Lichtenhanh, Band 6, 2005
European State Aid Control: an economic framework
The Economics of Competition Law, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming
Analyse von Abhilfemaßnahmen im EU-Fusionsverfahren
J. Schwarze (ed.): Recht und Ökonomie im Europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht, Nomos Verlag, forthcoming
Economic Analysis and Competition Policy Enforcement in Europe
Modelling European Mergers: Theory, Competition and Case Studies, Edward Elgar, 2005
On the Workings of a Cartell: Evidence from Norwegian Cement Industry
American Economic Review, Volume: 96(1), 2006, Pp 321-338
Export Orientation and Domestic Merger Policy: Theory and Some Empirical Evidence
Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume: 38(3), 2005, Pp 778-806
Keywords: merger-policy, international-
effects, open-
JEL classification: L40, L00
Industry Trade-Balance and Domestic Merger Policy: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Merger Policy for Manufacturing Sectors
Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume: 23(3), July, 2005, Pp 404-415
JEL classification: L40, F10
The Transatlantic Antitrust Dialogue
Current Competition Law, The British Institut of International and Comparative Law, Volume: 3, 2005, Pp 142-152
The Office of the Chief Competition Economist
Global Competition Review, June, 2005
Consumer Surplus vs. Welfare Standard in a Political Economy Model of Merger Control
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 829-848
Editors' Introduction
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 665-668
Bundling of Social and Private Goods and the Soft Budget Constraint
Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume: 33(1), March, 2005, Pp 47 - 58
Provision of Social Goods and Soft Budget Constraints
Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume: 33(1), March, 2005, Pp 47 - 58
Keywords: Dynamic Efficiency, Transitional Economy, Soft Budget Constraint, Social Goods, Subsidy
JEL classification: L13, L30
Endogenous Costs and Price-Cost Margins
Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming
The Political Economy of European Merger Control: Evidence Using StockMarket Data
Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming
Keywords: Merger Control, Event Studies, Lobbying, EU
JEL classification: L4, K21, C12, C1
A Political Economy Model of Infrastructure Allocation: An Empirical Assement
Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 90(6-7), 2006, Pp 1133-
Entry and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Microlevel Panel Data
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), April-
May, 2004, Pp 265-
JEL classification: L5, L10, O31, O4
Estimating Price-Cost Markups under Nonlinear Pricing competition
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), April-
May, 2004, Pp 1431-
Keywords: Estimation of Equilibrium Oligopoly Models, Competitive Nonlinear Pricing, Common Agency
JEL classification: D43, D82, L96
The International Drivers of Domestic Airline Mergers in Twenty Nations: Integrating Industrial Organization and International Businesss
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 27(1), January-February, 2006, Pp 75-
Keywords: airline-mergers, imperfect-
competition, international-
Lobbying and Regulation in a Political Economy: Evidence from the U.S. Cellular Industry
Public Choice, Volume: 122(3-4), 2005
Keywords: Endogenous Price Regulation, Lobbying Activities, Political Economy, Endogenous Switching Regression, Mobile Telecommunications, U.S.
JEL classification: L5, D78, C35, L96
Antitrust Holdup Source, Cross-National Institutional Variation, and Corporate Political Strategy Implications for Domestic Mergers
Strategic Management Journal, Volume: 26(8), 2005, Pp 769-790
Keywords: corporate political strategy, non-market strategy, merger reviews, antitrust policy
The Political Economy of EU Merger Control
Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming
EU Merger Remedies: An Empirical Assessemt
in J. Stennek and V. Ghosal Eds., The political Economy of Antitrust, Constributions to Economic Analysis, North - Holland, forthcoming
European Sate Aid Control: an economic Framework
in Advances in the Economics of Competition Law, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming
Ökonimische Analyse des Begriffs significant impediment to effective competition
in Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed), forthcoming
The Impact of the New Substantive Test in European Merger Control
European Competition Journal, forthcoming