C1 - Bankenregulierung, Credit Crunch und Prozyklizität
Do good or bad borrowers pledge more collateral?
International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume: 3, 2007, Pp 132-163
Valuation of Bond Illiquidity. An Option-Theoretical Approach
Journal of Fixed Income, Volume: 16, 2007, Pp 81-107
Bewertung von Anleihen bei potentieller Zahlungsunfähigkeit
Bank, M. Schiller, B. (eds.), Finanzintermediation - Theoretische, wirtschaftspolitische und praktische Aspekte aktueller Entwicklungen im Bank-
und Börsenwesen, Festschrift für Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gerke zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Schäffer-
, May, 2004, Pp 1-
JEL classification: G12, G13, G33
When Does Single-Source Versus Multiple-Source Lending Matter?
International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume: 2, January, 2006, Pp 19-48
Keywords: Economic equilibrium, Issues, Loans, Public finance
Hedging Long-Term Forwards with Short-Term Futures - A Two-Regime Approach
Review of Derivatives Research, Volume: 7, December, 2004, Pp 185-212
Keywords: long-term forwards -
hedging -
Metallgesellschaft case -
regime pricing
JEL classification: G13, G30
Banking Regulation and Financial Accelerators: A One-Period Model with Unlimited Liability
W. Franz, H.J. Ramser, M. Stadler (eds.): Funktionsfähigkeit und Stabilität von Finanzmärkten, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren, Mohr Siebeck, Volume: 34, 2005, Pp 183-210
JEL classification: G21, G28
Bewertung von Anleihen bei potentieller Zahlungsunfähigkeit
Bank, M. Schiller, B. (eds.), Finanzintermediation - Theoretische, wirtschaftspolitische und praktische Aspekte aktueller Entwicklungen im Bank-
und Börsenwesen, Festschrift für Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gerke zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Schäffer-
, May, 2004, Pp 1-
JEL classification: G12, G13, G33
Bond Portfolio Optimization: A Risk-Return Approach
Journal of Fixed Income, Volume: 15, March, 2006, Pp 48-60
JEL classification: G11, G13
Empirical Exercise Behavior of Warrant Holders and its Consequences for Warrant Values
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Volume: 9, March, 2006, Pp 245-268
Keywords: Early exercise; late exercise; option pricing; transaction costs; Monte Carlo simulation
JEL classification: G12, G13, G32
Optimal Debt Service: Straight vs. Convertible Debt
Schmalenbach Business Review, Volume: 58, April, 2006, Pp 124-151
Keywords: Convertible Consol Bond, Default Strategies
JEL classification: C72, G12, G32
When Does Single-Source Versus Multiple-Source Lending Matter?
International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume: 2, January, 2006, Pp 19-48
Keywords: Economic equilibrium, Issues, Loans, Public finance
Optimal Exercise Strategies for Corporate Warrants
Quantitative Finance, Volume: 6, 2006, Pp 37-54
Keywords: Warrants, Exercise Strategy, Option Pricing, Financial Structure
JEL classification: G12,G13,G32
Valuation of Convertible Bonds when Investors Act Strategically
Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Volume: 110, 2004
Keywords: Convertible bonds: markets, motives, and traditional valuation - General framework for the analysis of convertible bonds -
Optimal conversion strategies and valuation of convertible bonds at and before maturity -
Comparison of the results of three conver
JEL classification: G12, G13, G30
Pflichtwandelanleihen: Bewertung und Aktienkursreaktion bei Emission
Die Betriebswirtschaft, Volume: 65, 2005, Pp 21-42
JEL classification: G12, G14, G30
Streben Unternehmen nach ihrem optimalen Rating? Theorie und Evidenz vom deutschen Kapitalmarkt
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (ZfB), Volume: 75, October, 2005, Pp 919-946
JEL classification: G14, G30
C2 - Intellektuelles Eigentum, Aneignung von Innovationserträgen und Innovationswettbewerb
The Effects of Entrepreneurship Education
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Peer-reviewed: yes, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals, forthcoming
Managerial Succession and Organizational Performance
Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming
Returns to Private Equity - Idiosyncratic Risk Does Matter!
Review of Finance, forthcoming
Reform der Einschränkung der Urheberrechte in Lehre und Forschung — Abschätzung von Zahlungsbereitschaften für flexibleren Zugang zu studienrelevanter Literatur
zfbf - Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 857-
880, December 2009
The duration of patent examination at the European Patent Office
Management Science 2009, Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1969-1984
Patent Validation at the Country Level - The Role of Fees and Translation Costs
Research Policy 2009, Volume 38, No. 9, pp. 1423-1437
The Economics of Knowledge Regulation: An Empirical Analysis of Knowledge Flows
R&D Management 2010, forthcoming
Patent Thickets, Licensing and Innovative Performance
Industrial and Corporate Change, forthcoming
The Influence of Strategic Patenting on Companies' Patent Portfolios
Research Policy, 2009, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p428-436
How Does Owners' Exposure to Idiosyncratic Risk Influence the Capital Structure of Private Companies?
Journal of Empirical Finance, 2008, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p185-198
Benefits of Control, Capital Structure and Company Growth
Applied Economics, 2008, Vol. 40 Issue 21, p2721-2734
Platform Ownership
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p1130-1160
Institutionalized Incentives for Ingenuity - Patent Value and the German Employees' Invention Act
Research Policy 2007, Volume 36, No. 8, pp. 1143-1162
Everything you always wanted to know about inventors (but never asked): Evidence from the PatVal-EU survey
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5752, Research Policy, 2006
accepted for publication
Tracing Mobile Inventors - The Causality between Inventor Mobility and Inventor Productivity
Research Policy 2007, Volume 36, No. 5, pp. 619-636
The Importance of Equity Finance for R&D Activity: Are there Differences between Young and Old Companies?
Small Business Economics, 2009, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p303-318
The Internalisation of Young High-Tech Firms
ZEW Economic Studies, Heidelberg/New York, 2004
Internationale Trends der Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik
ZEW Wirtschaftsanalysen, Baden-Baden, 2004
Project Choice and Risk in R&D
Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume: 53(1), March, 2005, Pp 53-81
Is silence Golden? Patents versus Secrecy at the Firm Level
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2006, Vol. 15 Issue 8, p735-752
Managerial Ownership and Company Performance in German Small and Medium - Sized Private Enterprises
German Economic Review, 2006, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p233-247
Technologietransfer im Vergleich - Eine Fallstudie
Wissenschaftsmanagement , Volume: 6, 2004, Pp 12 - 17
Optimal Patent Length and Height, Empirica, forthcoming
Empirica, 2008, Volume 35, Issue 3, p 233-240
C3 - Innovationen in Informationstechnologien und Regulierung von Finanzmärkten
Vermögenspreise und Konsum
Vermögenspreise und Konsum, Volume: 6, Februar, 2005
Revival of Aggregate Demand Policies
Revival of Aggregate Demand Policies, Volume: 51, 2005, Pp 495-507
Ansteckungseffekte in einer Zinsfalle
2005, Pp 215-234
Understanding the Digital Economy
MIT Press Cambridge, Juni, 2006
The Optimal Regulation of Product Quality under Monopoly
Economics Bulletin, Volume: 12(13), 2006, Pp 1-4
A Survey on Moral Hazard, Contracts, and Social Preferences
in Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour: Challenging Standard Assumptions, Editors: Bina Agarwal and Alessandro Vercelli, 2005
Wage Indexation and Monetary Policy, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 162(3), 2006, Pp 486-504
Publicité limitée de l’information et sur-réaction aux annonces lors des épisodes spéculatifs
Revue Économique, Volume: 57(3), 2006, Pp 399-405
Optimal Degree of Public Information Dissemination
Economic Journal, forthcoming
Optimal Contracts under Inequity Aversion
Personal Oekonomisches Kolloquium, March, 2005
Keywords: Contract theory; linear contracts; incentives; sufficient statistics result; inequity aversion
JEL classification: D23, D63, J31, J33, M12, Z13
A Model of Delegation in Contests
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, March, 2005
Keywords: Strategic Delegation; Rent Seeking; Arms Races; Distributional Conflict
JEL classification: D72, D73, D4, P16
The Chopstick Auction: A Study of the Exposure Problem in Multi-Unit Auctions
EEA Conference, August, 2004
Keywords: Chopstick auction; Exposure problem; Laboratory experiment; Second-price sealed-
bid auction
JEL classification: C9, D44
Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications
The MIT Press, January, 2004
Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, Comment on: Carsten Detken, Frank Smets: Asset Price Booms and Monetary Policy
Horst Siebert: Macroeconomic Policies in the World Economy, 2004
Financial Fragility, Bubbles, and Monetary Policy
Hans-Werner Sinn, Mika Widgrén and Marko Köthenbürger: European Monetary Integration; The MIT Press, 2004, Pp 141-
CESifo Economic Studies
CESifo Economic Studies, 2004
The Theory of Global Games on Test: Experimental Analysis of Coordination Games with Public and Private Information
Econometrica , Volume: 72 (5), 2004, Pp 1583-1599
Keywords: Coordination game, global game, payoff dominance, private information, public information, risk dominance, speculative attack, strategic uncertanity
JEL classification: C72, C91, D82, E58
Nachfragestimulierung statt Strukturreform - mit gebührenfreiem Rezept aus der deutschen Krise?
HWWA Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Volume: 84 (3), March, 2004
Geldpolitik in den USA - Die Fed in der Zinsfalle?
ifo Schnelldienst, Volume: 6, 2004
Die Theorie globaler Spiele: Private Information als Mittel zur Vermeidung multipler Gleichgewichte
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, Volume: 55 (3), 2005, Pp 209-241
Keywords: global games, Informationspolitik, Koordinationsspiele, multiple Gleichgewichte, Netzwerkeffekte, private Information, öffentliche Information, refinements, spekulative Attacken
JEL classification: C72, D82, E58
Optimal Risk Taking and Information Policy to Avoid Currency and Liquidity Crises
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 161 (3), 2005, Pp 374-391
Keywords: coordination game, multiple lenders, private information, public information, speculative attacks, transparency
JEL classification: D82, F31, G33
C4 - Experimentelle Analyse von rationalen und beschränkt rationalen Theorien des Marktverhaltens
Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets: An Internet Experiment
American Economic Review, Volume: 95(5), 2005, Pp 1403-1426
Keywords: Herding, Contrarian Behavior, Experiment, Internet
JEL classification: C92, D8, G1
together with A5
In Search of Workers' Real Effort Reciprocity - A Field and A Laboratory Experiment
Journal of the European Economic Association, June, 2008
Learning Direction Theory and the Winner’s Curse
Experimental Economics, Volume: 8, 2005, Pp 5-20
Keywords: experimental economics, learning, individual decision making
JEL classification: C91, D81, D83
Neutral versus Loaded Instructions in a Bribery Experiment
Experimental Economics, 2005
Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets - An Internet Experiment
American Economic Review, Volume: 95(5), 2005, Pp 1403-1426
Learning to Like What You Have - Explaining the Endowment Effect
Economic Journal, Volume: 115, 2005, Pp 689-702
Why People Reject Advantageous Offers – Non-monotone Strategies in Ultimatum Bargaining (Evaluating a Video Experiment Run in PR China)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2006
Keywords: ultimatum game, video experiments, strategy method, content analysis, non-monotonic strategies, social preferences
JEL classification: C78, C81, C91, C92, F00, O53, O5
Interactive Unawareness
Journal of Economic Theory, 2005
GLAD: A simple adaptive strategy that yields cooperation in dilemma games
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume: 200, 2005, Pp 133-138
Herding with and without Payoff Externalities - An Internet Experiment
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2006
Keywords: information cascades, herding, network effects, reputation, experiment, internet
JEL classification: C92, D8
together with A5
C5 - Wettbewerbspolitik als Steuerung von Wettbewerbsprozessen
Dynamic Merger Review
Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming
Product Market Competition and Lobbying Coordination in the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade, forthcoming
Vertical Merger, Collusion, and Disruptive Buyers
International Journal of Industrial Organization, April 2010, 350-
Competition for Scarce Resources
RAND Journal of Economics, September 2010, 524-548
Advance-Purchase Discounts as a Price Discrimination Device
Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming
Measuring the Deterrence Effect of Competition Policy: The Competition Policy Indexes
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, forthcoming
Can China benefit from adopting a binding emissions target?
Energy Policy, 3763 – 3770, forthcoming
Learning Dynamics in Research Alliances: A Panel Data Analysis
Research Policy, forthcoming
A model of technological breakthrough in the renewable energy sector
Ecological Economics, 435-444, forthcoming
Regulatory Entry Barriers and Entrants' Performance
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in: Audretsch D., Falck O., Heblich S., Publisher:Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming
How Does Entry Regulation Influence Entry into Self-employment and Occupational Mobility?
Economics of Transition, 769-802, forthcoming
The Political Economy of Mobile Telecommunications Liberalization: Evidence from the OECD Countries
Journal of Comparative Economics, Publisher: Elsevier, forthcoming
The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals: Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger
Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming (2009)
Lending Decisions of Cooperative Banks, Private Credit Banks and Savings Banks: An Empirical Analysis of Subsidized Loans for Young and Small Firms
Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch -
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften), pp. 83-
132, (2009)
A Short Overview of a Methodology for the Ex-Post Review of Merger Control Decisions
De Economist, forthcoming
Welfare in Differentiated Oligopolies with more than Two Firms
International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming
The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity
The Review of Economics and Statistics, pp. 20-32, (2009)
Lending by Cooperative Banks, Private Credit Banks and Saving Banks: An Emirical Analysis of Subsidized Loans for Young and Small Firms
Schmollers Jahrbuch - Zeitshrift für Wirtschafts-
und Sozialwissenschaften (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies), forthcoming
Settle for Now but Block for Tomorrow: The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools
Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming
Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets
Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming
All Equilibria of the Vickrey Auction
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume: 114, 2004, Pp 170 - 177
together with A3
Buyers' Alliances for Bargaining Power
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 13(4), 2004, Pp 731 - 754
together with A3
The impact of ISO 9000 Diffusion on Trade and FDI: A New Institutional Analysis
Journal of International Business Studies 39(4): 613-633 (2008)
Weniger und effektiv: Ökonomische Prüfverfahren könnten die EU - Beihilfenkontrolle stärken
WZB Mitteilungen, Volume: 111, March, 2006, Pp 27-31
Market Conduct and Endogenous Lobbying: Evidence from the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2006
Why Firms form (or don’t form) RJVs
Economic Journal, 2007
Noch nicht Optimal: Die Wirkung von Auflagen in EU- Fusionskontollverfahren
WZB Mittelungen, Volume: 110, December, 2005, Pp 28-31
Merger Remedies
S. Vogt, M. Albert and D. Schmidtchen(eds.):The More Economic Approach to European Competition Law, Conferences on the New Political Economy 24, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, 2007, Pp 255-266
Efficiency Gains from Mergers
European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defense, Edward Elgar, 2006
The Impact of the New Substantive Test in European Merger Control
European Competition Journal, forthcoming
Complementarity in Innovation Policy
European Economic Review, Volume: 49, August, 2005, Pp 1431 - 1450
JEL classification: L5, 031, 038
EU Merger Remedies: An Empirical Assessemt
J. Stennek and V. Ghosal Eds., The political Economy of Antitrust, Contributions to Economic Analysis, North-Holland, forthcoming
Keywords: Merger Control, Remedies, European Commission, Event Studies
JEL classification: L4, K21, C12, C13
Der ökonomische Ansatz in der europäischen Wettbewerbspolitik
Monopolkommission: Zukunftsperspektiven der Wettbewerbspolitik, Nomos Verlag (ed.), Colloquium anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Monopolkommission, 2005
Ökonomische Analyse des Begriffs "significant impediment to effective competition"
Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed.), forthcoming
Ökonomische Analyse in der EU Wettbewerbspolitik
Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 11. Internationales Kartellrechtsforums, St. Gallen, Helbing & Lichtenhanh, Band 6, 2005
European State Aid Control: an economic framework
The Economics of Competition Law, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming
Analyse von Abhilfemaßnahmen im EU-Fusionsverfahren
J. Schwarze (ed.): Recht und Ökonomie im Europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht, Nomos Verlag, forthcoming
Economic Analysis and Competition Policy Enforcement in Europe
Modelling European Mergers: Theory, Competition and Case Studies, Edward Elgar, 2005
On the Workings of a Cartell: Evidence from Norwegian Cement Industry
American Economic Review, Volume: 96(1), 2006, Pp 321-338
Export Orientation and Domestic Merger Policy: Theory and Some Empirical Evidence
Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume: 38(3), 2005, Pp 778-806
Keywords: merger-policy, international-
effects, open-
JEL classification: L40, L00
Industry Trade-Balance and Domestic Merger Policy: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Merger Policy for Manufacturing Sectors
Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume: 23(3), July, 2005, Pp 404-415
JEL classification: L40, F10
The Transatlantic Antitrust Dialogue
Current Competition Law, The British Institut of International and Comparative Law, Volume: 3, 2005, Pp 142-152
The Office of the Chief Competition Economist
Global Competition Review, June, 2005
Consumer Surplus vs. Welfare Standard in a Political Economy Model of Merger Control
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 829-848
Editors' Introduction
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 665-668
Bundling of Social and Private Goods and the Soft Budget Constraint
Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume: 33(1), March, 2005, Pp 47 - 58
Provision of Social Goods and Soft Budget Constraints
Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume: 33(1), March, 2005, Pp 47 - 58
Keywords: Dynamic Efficiency, Transitional Economy, Soft Budget Constraint, Social Goods, Subsidy
JEL classification: L13, L30
Endogenous Costs and Price-Cost Margins
Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming
The Political Economy of European Merger Control: Evidence Using StockMarket Data
Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming
Keywords: Merger Control, Event Studies, Lobbying, EU
JEL classification: L4, K21, C12, C1
A Political Economy Model of Infrastructure Allocation: An Empirical Assement
Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 90(6-7), 2006, Pp 1133-
Entry and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Microlevel Panel Data
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), April-
May, 2004, Pp 265-
JEL classification: L5, L10, O31, O4
Estimating Price-Cost Markups under Nonlinear Pricing competition
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), April-
May, 2004, Pp 1431-
Keywords: Estimation of Equilibrium Oligopoly Models, Competitive Nonlinear Pricing, Common Agency
JEL classification: D43, D82, L96
The International Drivers of Domestic Airline Mergers in Twenty Nations: Integrating Industrial Organization and International Businesss
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 27(1), January-February, 2006, Pp 75-
Keywords: airline-mergers, imperfect-
competition, international-
Lobbying and Regulation in a Political Economy: Evidence from the U.S. Cellular Industry
Public Choice, Volume: 122(3-4), 2005
Keywords: Endogenous Price Regulation, Lobbying Activities, Political Economy, Endogenous Switching Regression, Mobile Telecommunications, U.S.
JEL classification: L5, D78, C35, L96
Antitrust Holdup Source, Cross-National Institutional Variation, and Corporate Political Strategy Implications for Domestic Mergers
Strategic Management Journal, Volume: 26(8), 2005, Pp 769-790
Keywords: corporate political strategy, non-market strategy, merger reviews, antitrust policy
The Political Economy of EU Merger Control
Journal of Law and Economics, forthcoming
EU Merger Remedies: An Empirical Assessemt
in J. Stennek and V. Ghosal Eds., The political Economy of Antitrust, Constributions to Economic Analysis, North - Holland, forthcoming
European Sate Aid Control: an economic Framework
in Advances in the Economics of Competition Law, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming
Ökonimische Analyse des Begriffs significant impediment to effective competition
in Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed), forthcoming
The Impact of the New Substantive Test in European Merger Control
European Competition Journal, forthcoming
C6 - Kommunikations- und Transporttechnologien, Industrie- und Regionalstruktur
Centralizing Information in Networks
Games and Economic Behavior, Peer-reviewed:yes, Kind of outlet:Scientific journals
Strategic Communication Networks
With a Little Help from my Enemy: Comparative Advertising as a Signal of Quality
Journal of Economics and Managemant Strategy, forthcoming
Innovation, convergence and the role of regulation in the Netherlands and beyond, Telecommunications Policy
Labor Pooling in R&D Intensive Industries
Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming
Access Regulation and the Adoption of VoIP
forthcoming in Journal of Regulatory Economics
Umbrella Branding and External Certification
forthcoming in European Economic Review (2008)
Content and Advertising in the Media: Pay-TV versus Free-To-Air
International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming, 2007
Alliances between Competitor and Consumer Information
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2006
Asymmetric Access Price Reguation in Telecommunications Markets
European Economic Review, 2005
Reputation Mechanisms and Electronic Markets: Economic Issues for Procurement
Khi Thai et al. (eds.): Challenges in Public Procurement: an International Perspective, 2004
Dynamic regulation and entry in telecommunications markets: a policy framework
Information Economics and Policy, 2004
Competition in telecommunications: an introduction
Information Economics and Policy, 2004
Why the music industry may gain from free downloading - The role of sampling
International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming
Asymmetric Regulation of Access and Price Discrimination in Telecommunications
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2005
A Strategic Approach to Software Protection: Comment
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2004
Piracy of Digital Products: A critical Review of the Theoretical Literature
Information Economics and Policy, Volume: 7(2), forthcoming
Leniency Policies and Illegal Transactions
Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming
Monopoly Pricing under Demand Uncertainty: The Optimality of Clearance Sales
Economic Journal, forthcoming
C7 - Organisation des Wertpapierhandels
Existence of Linear Equilibria in the Kyle Model with Multiple Informed Traders
Annals of Finance, 2005
together with A6
Insider Trading and Corporate Governance: The Case of Germany
European Financial Management, forthcoming, 2007
with André Betzer
Does Anonymity Matter in Electronic Limit Order Markets?
Review of Financial Studies, 2006
Keywords: Market Microstructure, Limit Order Trading, Anonymity, Transparency, Liquidity, Volatility Forecasts
JEL classification: G10, G14, G24
Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading - Does Trade Misclassification Matter?
Journal of Financial Markets, 2006
Keywords: Informed trading, market microstructure, trade classification
JEL classification: G12, G14, C52
An Analysis of Private Investors’ Stock Market Return Forecasts
Applied Financial Economics, 2006
Keywords: Behavioral Finance; Weekend effect; Weather effect
JEL classification: G14
Competition between exchanges: Xetra versus Euronext
European Financial Management, forthcoming, 2007
A Characterization of the Distributions That Imply Existence of Linear Equilibria in the Kyle Model
Annals of Finance, Volume: 2, 2006, Pp 73-85
Information-Based Relative Consumption Effects: Correction
Econometrica , Volume: 73, 2005, Pp 1383-1387
Who Knows What When? The Information Content of Pre-IPO Market Prices
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Volume: 14, 2005, Pp 466-484
Eine empirische Untersuchung der individualisierten Veröffentlichung der Vorstandsvergütung
Die Betriebswirtschaft, 2006
Keywords: Executive compensation, corporate governance, self regulation
JEL classification: G14, G30, G32
Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading - Does Trade Misclassification Matter?
Journal of Financial Markets, 2006
An Analysis of Private Investors' Stock Market Return Forecasts
Applied Financial Economies, 2006
C8 - Verhaltenstheoretische Implikationen für Märkte und Organisationen
An experimental test of the deterrence hypothesis
Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, Peer-reviewed:yes, Kind of outlet:Scientific journals, forthcoming 2012
Is the veil of ignorance only a concept about risk? An experiment
Journal of Public Economics, Peer-reviewed: yes, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals, Publisher:Elsevier, ISBN:0047-
2727, forthcoming
Exploiting Naivete about Self-Control in the Credit Market
American Economic Review, Scientific journals, forthcoming
Performance Pay and Multi-dimensional Sorting: Productivity, Preferences and Gender
American Economic Review, Scientific journals, forthcoming
Reference-Dependent Preferences and Effort provision
American Economic Review, Scientific journals, forthcoming
Lab Experiments Are a Major Source of Knowledge in the Social Sciences
Science, 535-538, October 23
Science, 535-538, October 23
Less fighting than expected - Experiments with wars of attrition and all-pay auctions
Public Choice, forthcoming
Moral Norms in a Partly Compliant Society
Games and Economic Behavior, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals, forthcoming
Are Risk Aversion and Impatience Related to Cognitive Ability?
AER, Peer-reviewed:yes, Kind of outlet:Scientific journals, forthcoming (2009)
The medial prefrontal cortex exhibits money illusion
PNAS, March, forthcoming(2009)
Direct Evidence on Risk Attitudes and Migration
Review of Economics and Statistics, Peer-reviewed:yes, Kind of
outlet:Scientific journals, forthcoming (2009)
Representative Trust and Reciprocity: Prevalence and Determinants
Economic Inquiry, Peer-reviewed: yes, kind of outlet: Scientific journals.
Testing Theories of Fairness - Intentions Matter
Games and Economic Behaviour
Futile Attempts at Self-Sontrol
Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings), forthcoming
Homo Reciprocans: Survey Evidence on Behavioral Outcomes
Economic Journal, March, 592-612, (2009)
Competition and Price Variation when Consumers are Loss Averse
American Economic Review, forthcoming, 2008