A5 - Unvollständige Vertragsbeziehungen und die Gestaltung von Residualrechten
name | home institution | research topic/kind | begin/end |
Yolande Hiriart | L'Université de Franche-Comté | Relative Performance of Liability Rules: Experimental Evidence |
04.06.2013 |
Horst Eidenmüller | LMU Munich | Regulating Group Insolvencies |
28.05.2013 |
Avraham Tabbach | Tel Aviv University | More Manipulation Less Risk Taking? |
14.05.2013 |
Raúl López-Pérez | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | On Envious Damaging |
09.04.2013 |
Susanne Goldlücke | Universität Mannheim | Do Agents Need Discretion? - |
22.01.2013 |
Luigi Franzoni | University of Bologna | Optimal liability design under risk and ambiguity |
15.01.2013 |
Alan Schwartz | Yale University | Contracting About Private Benefits of Control |
26.06.2012 |
Eric Talley | Berkeley | Law, Economics, and the Burden(s) of Proof in Litigation |
19.06.2012 |
Patrick Leyens | Universität Hamburg | Corporate Governance: International Research, Market- |
12.06.2012 |
Ioannis Lianos | University College London | Market Dominance and Quality of Search Results in the Search Engine Market: Analysis of Exploitative and Exclusionary Abuses |
22.05.2012 |
Doron Teichman | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Reference Points and Contractual Choices: An Empirical Examination |
31.01.2012 |
Jens-Uwe Franck, Patrick Andreoli-Versbach | University of Munich | Forensic Application of Economic Evidence: Detecting Tacit Coordinations in Oligopolistic Markets |
24.01.2012 |
Iwan Bos | Maastricht University | Explicit versus Tacit Collusion: A Theory of Cartel Formation |
17.01.2012 |
Andreas Engert | University of Cologne, Germany | 20.07.2010 |
Francesco Drago | University of Naples, Italy | 13.07.2010 |
Randi Hjalmarsson | Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom | 06.07.2010 |
John Armour | University of Oxford, United Kingdom | Is Delaware Losing Its Cases? |
29.06.2010 |
Vigen Nikogosian | ZEW, Mannheim, Germany | 15.06.2010 |
Giuseppe Dari Mattiachi | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands | 03.02.2010 |
Antonio M. Osorio da Costa | University Carlos III., Madrid, Spain | 27.01.2010 |
Daniel Cerquera | ZEW, Germany | 19.01.2010 |
Richard Brooks | Yale Law School, USA | 20.07.2009 23.07.2009 |
Scott Hemphill | Columbia Law School | 17.03.2009 18.03.2009 |
Uri Weiss | Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel | 18.11.2008 02.12.2008 |
Rick Brooks | Yale University, USA | 24.07.2008 27.07.2008 |
Rosa Ferrer | Vanderbilt University, USA | 13.07.2008 16.07.2008 |
Sophie Bade | Pennsylvania State University, USA | 09.07.2008 12.07.2008 |
Surajeet Chakravarty | University of Exeter, UK | 07.07.2008 10.07.2008 |
Bo Chen | Southern Methodist University, USA | 24.06.2008 10.07.2008 |