C2 - Intellektuelles Eigentum, Aneignung von Innovationserträgen und Innovationswettbewerb
The Economics of Pending Patents
in: J. Harrington and Y. Katsoulacos (eds.), Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation, Edward Elgar (2012)
Digital Piracy: Theory
in: M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, Oxford University Press, 547-571 (2012)
Upstream Market Power and Wasteful Retailers
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 234-253 (2013)
Innovation and Waste in Supply Chain Management
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 86, 191-199 (2013)
Indirect Taxation in Vertical Oligopoly
forthcoming in Journal of Industrial Economics
Competition under Consumer Loss Aversion
forthcoming in Rand Journal of Economics
The Impact of Different Fibre Access Network Technologies on Cost, Competition and Welfare
Telecommunications Policy 36, 96-112 (2012)
Market Asymmetries and Investments in Next Generation Access Networks
Review of Network Economics 11(1), 1-25 (2012)
Network Investment, Access and Competition
Telecommunications Policy 36, 407-418 (2012)
Media Market Concentration, Advertising Levels, and Ad Prices
International Journal of Industrial Organization 30(conference volume), 321-325 (2012)
Informing Consumers about their own Preferences
International Journal of Industrial Organization 30, 417-428 (2012)
The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy
Oxford University Press (2012)
Der Ausbau neuer Netze in der Telekommunikation - institutionelle, ökonomische und juristische Betrachtungen (in German)
Nomos Verlag (2012)
Knowledge Recombination across Technological Boundaries: Scientists vs. Engineers”
Management Science (accepted for publication)
The Market Value of R&D, Patents and Trademarks
Available at SSRN:, (Revise and Resubmit vom 09.02.2010, Research Policy)
Invention Processes and Knowledge Recombination across Technological Boundaries
unpublished manuscript, University of Munich, (2. Revise and Resubmit vom 17.01.2011, Management Science)
Incidence and Growth of Patent Thickets - The Impact of Technological Opportunities and Complexity
CEPR Discussion Paper 6900, London, (Revise and Resubmit vom 25.01.2009, Journal of Industrial Economics) (accepted for publication)
Authorized Generic Entry prior to Patent Expiry: Reassessing Incentives for Independent Generic Entry
LMU Discussion Papers in Economics 2010-23
Jostling for Advantage or Not: Choosing Between Patent Portfolio Races and Ex-ante Licensing
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Vol.73(2), pp.225-245
How to Measure Patent Thickets - A Novel Approach
Economics Letters, Vol.111(1), pp. 6-9
Patents and the Survival of Internet-related NASDAQ-IPOs
Research and Policy, 2010, Vol.39(2), pp. 214-228
The Effects of Entrepreneurship Education
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 76, Issue 1, October 2010, Pages 90-112
Managerial Succession and Organizational Performance
Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming
Returns to Private Equity - Idiosyncratic Risk Does Matter!
Review of Finance, forthcoming
Reform der Einschränkung der Urheberrechte in Lehre und Forschung — Abschätzung von Zahlungsbereitschaften für flexibleren Zugang zu studienrelevanter Literatur
zfbf - Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 857-
880, December 2009
The duration of patent examination at the European Patent Office
Management Science 2009, Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1969-1984
Patent Validation at the Country Level - The Role of Fees and Translation Costs
Research Policy 2009, Volume 38, No. 9, pp. 1423-1437
The Economics of Knowledge Regulation: An Empirical Analysis of Knowledge Flows
R&D Management 2010, 40(3), p. 300-309
Patent Thickets, Licensing and Innovative Performance
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2010, 19 (3): 899-925
The Influence of Strategic Patenting on Companies' Patent Portfolios
Research Policy, 2009, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p428-436
Benefits of Control, Capital Structure and Company Growth
Applied Economics, 2008, Vol. 40 Issue 21, p2721-2734
How Does Owners' Exposure to Idiosyncratic Risk Influence the Capital Structure of Private Companies?
Journal of Empirical Finance, 2008, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p185-198
Institutionalized Incentives for Ingenuity - Patent Value and the German Employees' Invention Act
Research Policy 2007, Volume 36, No. 8, pp. 1143-1162
Platform Ownership
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p1130-1160
Everything you always wanted to know about inventors (but never asked): Evidence from the PatVal-EU survey
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5752, Research Policy, 2006
accepted for publication
The Importance of Equity Finance for R&D Activity: Are there Differences between Young and Old Companies?
Small Business Economics, 2009, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p303-318
Tracing Mobile Inventors - The Causality between Inventor Mobility and Inventor Productivity
Research Policy 2007, Volume 36, No. 5, pp. 619-636
Internationale Trends der Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik
ZEW Wirtschaftsanalysen, Baden-Baden, 2004
The Internalisation of Young High-Tech Firms
ZEW Economic Studies, Heidelberg/New York, 2004
Is silence Golden? Patents versus Secrecy at the Firm Level
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2006, Vol. 15 Issue 8, p735-752
Project Choice and Risk in R&D
Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume: 53(1), March, 2005, Pp 53-81
Technologietransfer im Vergleich - Eine Fallstudie
Wissenschaftsmanagement , Volume: 6, 2004, Pp 12 - 17
Managerial Ownership and Company Performance in German Small and Medium - Sized Private Enterprises
German Economic Review, 2006, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p233-247
Optimal Patent Length and Height, Empirica
Empirica, 2008, Volume 35, Issue 3, p 233-240