B3 - Unternehmenskontrolle, Unternehmensfinanzierung und endogener technischer Fortschritt
Public-Good Provision in a Large Economy
Preprint 2010/02, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, R&R for Econometrica, 2010
Fallacies, Irrelevant Facts and Myths in the Discussion of Capital Regulation: Why Bank Equity is Not Expensive, Rock Center for Corporate Governance
Stanford University Working Paper No. 86, Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 2063, Preprint, No. 2010/42 Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, September 2010
Binary Payment Schemes: Moral Hazard and Loss Aversion
American Economic Review, Vol. 100(5), December 2010, pp. 2451-2477
Incentive Problems with Unidimensional Hidden Characteristics: A Unified Approach
Econometrica, Vol. 78(4), July 2010, pp. 1201-1237
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: An Analysis of the Subprime-Mortgage Financial Crisis
De Economist, Vol. 157, 2009, pp. 129-207
Incomplete Contracts and Excludable Public Goods
Journal of Public Economics, accepted for publication
Optimal Democratic Mechanisms for Income Taxation and Public Good Provision
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 94, 2010, pp. 453-466
The Impact of Firm Entry Regulation on Long- living Entrants
Small Business Economics, in press, June 2010
Corporate Governance and Incentive Contracts: Historical Evidence from a Legal Reform
Explorations in Economic History, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals, 2009
Strategic Information Disclosure and Competition for an Imperfectly Protected Innovation
Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 58(2), June 2010, pp. 349-372
Optimal Income Taxation and Public Good Provision with Endogenous Interest Groups
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 11(2), April 2009, pp. 311–342
Switzerland and Euroland: European Monetary Union, Monetary Stability and Financial Stability
The Swiss National Bank 1907-2007, July 2007, pp. 741-
The Role of Liquidity and Implicit Guarantees in the German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 28, 2009, pp. 1-25
A Reconsideration of the Jensen-Meckling Model of Outside Finance
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 18(4), October 2009, pp. 495-525
The Role of Boundary Solutions in Principal-Agent Problems of the Holmström-Milgrom Type
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 136(1), September 2007, pp. 446-475
Netting in Interconnector Auctions
Energy Journal, Vol. 28(1), 2007, pp. 113-144
Private Damage Claims and the Passing-On Defense in Horizontal Price-Fixing Cases: An Economist’s Perspective
J. Basedow (ed.), Private Enforcement in EC Competition Law, Kluwer Law International, Den Haag, 2007, pp. 121-159
The Undesirability of Randomized Income Taxation under Decreasing Risk Aversion
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(3-4), April 2007, pp. 791-
Effizienz oder Wettbewerbsfreiheit? Zur normativen Grundlegung der Wettbewerbspolitik
Christoph Engel and Wernhard Möschel (eds.): Recht und spontane Ordnung, Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker zum 80. Geburtstag, Baden-
Baden, Nomos, 2008
The Provision and Pricing of Excludable Public Goods: Ramsey-Boiteux Pricing versus Bundling
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(3-4), April 2007, pp. 511-
Braucht Deutschland eine 'private starke deutsche Bank'? Ueber die Notwendigkeit nationaler Champions im Bankwesen
Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 39(2), 2006, pp. 163-181
The Organization of Regulateg Production: Complementarities, Correlation and Collusion
International Journal of Industrial Organzation, Vol. 26(1), January 2008, pp. 327-353
Information Aqusition and Strategic Disclosure in Oligopoly
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 17(1), January 2008, pp. 113-148
Cost and Benefits from Infrastructure Competition. Estimating Welfare Effects from Broadband Access Competition
Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 31(6-7), July 2007, pp. 401-
Demand for storage of natural gas in north-western Europe. Trends 2005-2030
Energy Policy, Vol. 35(10), 2007, pp. 5206-5219
with Madjid Kuebler
Elitemodell Wartburg?
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (ed.), Eine (un)endliche Geschichte? Beiträge zur Föderalismusdiskussion, Villa-Hügel-
Gespräch 2004, 2005, pp. 16-
Market Discipline, Information Processing, and Corporate Governance
K.J. Hopt, E. Wymeersch, H. Kanda, H. Baum (eds.), Corporate Governance in Context: Corporations, States, and Markets in European, Japan, and the US, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 379-402
Netzwettbewerb durch Regulierung
U. Leprich, H. Georgi, E. Evers (eds.), Strommarktliberalisierung durch Netzregulierung, Energierecht und Energiewirtschaft Bd. 4, Berlin, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Vol. 4, 2004, pp. 29-43
Managerbereicherung gibt es überall
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, May 2005, Nr. 18, S. 47
An Agenda for a Growing Europe
Oxford University Press, March 2004
The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks – A Role Model for Germany?
DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 2006
On the Long-Run Evolution of Technological Knowledge
Economic Theory, 2007, Vol. 30(1), pp. 171–180
The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks - A Role Model for Germany?
DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung), Vol. 74(4), 2005, pp. 32-50
Selling Reputation when Going Out of Business
International Economic Review, 2006
The Relation between Real Wages and Employment: An Intertemporal General-Equilibrium Approach
German Economic Review, Vol. 5(3), August 2004, pp. 263-295
Reply to Thomas Ferguson and Peter Temin's Comment on The German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of Economic History, Volume: 64(3), September 2004, pp. 877-878
The German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of Economic History, Volume: 64(3), September 2004, pp. 822-871
Banks as Delegated Risk Managers
Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 28(10), October 2004, pp. 2399-2426
Nonlinear Incentive Provision in Walrasian Markets: A Cournot Convergence Approach
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 120(1), January 2005, pp. 1-38
Monopoly Prices versus Ramsey-Boiteux Prices: Are they ‘‘Similar,’’ and: Does it Matter?
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 6(1), 2006, pp. 27-44
How Do Official Bailouts Affect the Risk of Investing in Emerging Markets?
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Volume: 38(7), October 2006, pp. 1689-1714
Braucht Deutschland eine private starke deutsche Bank? Über die Notwendigkeit nationaler Champions im Bankwesen
Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 39(2), 2006, 163-181
Liquidity and Contagion: The Crisis of 1763
Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 2(6), 2004, pp. 929-968
A utilitarian Approach to the provision and pricing of excludable public goods
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 89(11-12), December 2005, pp. 1981-
Konsistenzgebot im neuen TKG: Anforderungen und Zielkonflikte
MultiMedia und Recht, Beilage, Vol. 6, June 2005, pp. 6-8
From Poverty Measurement to the Measurement of Downside Risk
Mathematical Social Sciences, 2004, Vol. 47(3), pp. 327–348
Ramsey-Boiteux-Preise und Monopolpreise - zu einigen verbreiteten Missverständnissen
Netzwirtschaft & Recht, 2005
A Contribution to the Theory of Optimal Utilitarian Income Taxation
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(7-8), August 2007, pp. 1449-
together with A1
An Economic Approach to Article 82
Competition Policy International , Volume: 2(1), 2006, Pp 111 - 154