B3 - Unternehmenskontrolle, Unternehmensfinanzierung und endogener technischer Fortschritt
Optimal Democratic Mechanisms for Income Taxation and Public Good Provision
Journal of Public Economics, 453-466, Peer-
reviewed: yes, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals
The Impact of Firm Entry Regulation on Long- living Entrants
Small Business Economics, Peer-reviewed: yes, Kind of Outlet:Scientific journals, Publisher:Springer, forthcoming
Corporate governance and incentive contracts: Historical evidence from a legal reform
Explorations in Economic History, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals, forthcoming (2009)
Strategic Information Disclosure and Competition for an Imperfectly Protected Innovation
Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming
Optimal Income Taxation and Public Good Provision with Endogenous Interest Groups
Journal of Public Economic Theory, forthcoming
Switzerland and Euroland: European Monetary Union, Monetary Stability and Financial Stability
The Swiss National Bank 1907-2007, July, 2007, Pp 741-
A Reconsideration of the Jensen-Meckling Model of Outside Finance
Journal of Financial Intermediation, forthcoming, 2007
The Role of Liquidity and Implicit Guarantees in the German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of International Money and Finance, forthcoming, 2008
Netting in Interconnector Auctions
Energy Journal, Volume: 28 (1), 2007, Pp 113-144
Keywords: Divisible good auctions, interconnector, electricity mar?kets, competition policy
JEL classification: L94, D44
The Role of Boundary Solutions in Principal-Agent Problems of the Holmström-Milgrom Type
Journal of Economic Theory, 2007
Keywords: Principal-agent problems, linear incentive schemes, intertemporal incentives, Brownian motion
JEL classification: C61, D82, J33
The Undesirability of Randomized Income Taxation under Decreasing Risk Aversion
Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 91, 2007, Pp 791-816
Keywords: Optimal Income Taxation, Randomized Incentive Schemes, Nonincreasing Risk Aversion
JEL classification: H21
Private Damage Claims and the Passing-On Defense in Horizontal Price-Fixing Cases: An Economist’s Perspective
J. Basedow (ed.), Private Enforcement in EC Competition Law, Kluwer Law International, Den Haag, 2007
Keywords: Horizontal Price Fixing, Passing-On Defense, Private Damage Claims
JEL classification: K 21, L 41
The Provision and Pricing of Excludable Public Goods: Ramsey-Boiteux Pricing versus Bundling
Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 91, 2007, Pp 511 - 540
Keywords: Mechanism Design, Excludable Public Goods, Ramsey-Boiteux Pricing, Renegotiation Proofness, Bundling
JEL classification: D61, H21, H41,H42
Effizienz oder Wettbewerbsfreiheit? Zur normativen Grundlegung der Wettbewerbspolitik
Christoph Engel and Wernhard Möschel (eds.): Recht und spontane Ordnung, Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker zum 80. Geburtstag, Baden-
Baden, Nomos, 2008
Keywords: Antitrust Policy, Abuse of Dominance, Article 82, Rebate and Bonus Schemes
JEL classification: L40
Braucht Deutschland eine 'private starke deutsche Bank'? Ueber die Notwendigkeit nationaler Champions im Bankwesen
Kredit und Kapital, Volume: 39(2), 2006, Pp 163-181
Demand for storage of natural gas in north-western Europe. Trends 2005-2030
Energy Policy, forthcoming, 2007
with Madjid Kuebler
Cost and Benefits from Infrastructure Competition. Estimating Welfare Effects from Broadband Access Competition
Telecommunications Policy, forthcoming, 2007
Information Aqusition and Strategic Disclosure in Oligopoly
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming, 2008
The Organization of Regulateg Production: Complementarities, Correlation and Collusion
International Journal of Industrial Organzation, January, 2008, Pp 327-353
Market Discipline, Information Processing, and Corporate Governance
K.J. Hopt, E. Wymeersch, H. Kanda, H. Baum (eds.), Corporate Governance in Context: Corporations, States, and Markets in European, Japan, and the US, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, Pp 379-402
Keywords: Financial Institutions, Market Discipline, Information Efficiency, Corporate Governance
JEL classification: G30
Elitemodell Wartburg?
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (ed.), Eine (un)endliche Geschichte? Beiträge zur Föderalismusdiskussion, Villa-Hügel-
Gespräch 2004, 2005, Pp 16-
Netzwettbewerb durch Regulierung
U. Leprich, H. Georgi, E. Evers (eds.), Strommarktliberalisierung durch Netzregulierung, Energierecht und Energiewirtschaft Bd. 4, Berlin, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 2004, Pp 29-43
An Agenda for a Growing Europe
Oxford University Press, 2004
Managerbereicherung gibt es überall
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 2005
The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks – A Role Model for Germany?
DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 2006
The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks - A Role Model for Germany?
DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung), Volume: 74(4), 2005, Pp 32-50
Keywords: Privatization, savings banks, three-pillar system
JEL classification: G21, H11, L33
The Long-Run Evolution of Technological Knowledge
Economic Theory, 2006
Keywords: Endogenous technological change, Malthus, Long-run growth
JEL classification: O11, O31, O40
The Relation between Real Wages and Employment: An Intertemporal General-Equilibrium Approach
German Economic Review, Volume: 5, 2004, Pp 263-295
JEL classification: E1, E2
Selling Reputation when Going Out of Business
International Economic Review, 2006
Banks as Delegated Risk Managers
Journal of Banking and Finance, 2004
The German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of Economic History, Volume: 64(3), 2004, Pp 822-871
Reply to Thomas Ferguson and Peter Temin's Comment on The German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of Economic History, Volume: 64(3), 2004, Pp 877-878
Nonlinear Incentive Provision in Walrasian Markets: A Cournot Convergence Approach
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume: 120, 2005, Pp 1-38
Keywords: Insurance, Moral Hazard, Incentive Contracting, Walrasian Markets, Rational-Expectations, Cournot Equilibrium
JEL classification: D50, D62, D80
Monopoly Prices versus Ramsey-Boiteux Prices
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Volume: 6(1), 2006, Pp 27-44
Keywords: Ramsey Pricing, Regulation, Access Pricing, Termination
JEL classification: L33, L50, L94
How Do Official Bailouts Affect the Risk of Investing in Emerging Markets?
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Volume: 38(7), 2006, Pp 1689-1714
A utilitarian Approach to the provision and pricing of excludable public goods
Journal of public economics, Volume: 89, 2005, Pp 1981-2003
Keywords: Public-Good Provision, Admission Fees for Excludable Public Goods, Utilitarian Welfare Maximization
JEL classification: D61; D63; H21; H41
Liquidity and Contagion: The Crisis of 1763
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(6), 2004, Pp 929-968
Braucht Deutschland eine private starke deutsche Bank? Über die Notwendigkeit nationaler Champions im Bankwesen
Kredit und Kapital, 2005
From Poverty Measurement to the Measurement of Downside Risk
Mathematical Social Sciences, 2004
Konsistenzgebot im neuen TKG: Anforderungen und Zielkonflikte
MultiMedia und Recht, Beilage, Volume: 6, 2005, Pp 6-11
Ramsey-Boiteux-Preise und Monopolpreise - zu einigen verbreiteten Missverständnissen
Netzwirtschaft & Recht, 2005
A Contribution to the Theory of Optimal Utilitarian Income Taxation
Journal of Public Economics, 2007
Keywords: Optimal Income Taxation, Utilitarian Welfare Maximization, Redistribution
JEL classification: D63, H21
together with A1
An Economic Approach to Article 82
Competition Policy International , Volume: 2(1), 2006, Pp 111 - 154
Keywords: Competition Policy, Abuse of Dominance, Article 82, Effects Based Approach
JEL classification: L4
together with A3
B4 - Die Gestaltung von Turnieren im Rahmen der Corporate Governance
Technology choice, relative performance pay, and worker heterogeneity
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming
Minimum Wages and Excessive Effort Supply
Economics Letters, forthcoming
Technology Adoption under Hidden Information
Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Rent Seeking, Employment Security and Works Councils: Theory and Evidence for Germany
Schmalenbach Business Review, forthcoming
On the Choice of Risk and Effort in Tournaments - Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming
Promotion Tournaments and Individual Performance Pay
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming
Risk-Taking in Tournaments -Theory and Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economic Psychology , Peerreviewed:yes, Kind of outlet:Scientific journals, forthcoming(2009)
Hostile takeover and costly merger control
Public Choice, Peer-reviewed:yes, Kind of outlet:Scientific journals, forthcoming (2009)
Double-Sided Moral Hazard, Efficiency Wages and Litigation
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Peer-reviewed:yes, Scientific journals, forthcoming
Variance analysis and linear contracts in agencies with
Management Accounting Research, Scientific journals, forthcoming
The Effect of Reputation on Selling Prices in Auctions
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und statistik, forthcoming
On the Inefficiency of Merger Control
Economic Letters, forthcoming
The Effect of Reputation on Selling Prices in Auctions
Jahrbücher für Natinalökonomie und Statistik, forthcoming (2008)
Information in tournaments under limited liability
Journal of Mathematical Economics, forthcoming
On Sabotage in Collective Tournaments
Journal of Mathematical Economics, forthcoming, 2007
Preemption in Rank-Order Tournaments
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, forthcoming, 2008
with Peter-Jürgen Jost
Emotions and the Optimality of Uneven Tournaments
Review of Managerial Science, forthcoming, 2008
Should You Allow Your Employee to Become Your Competitor? - On Non-Compete Agreements in Employment Contracts
International Economic Review, forthcoming, 2008
with Dirk Sliwka
On the Adverse Selection of Technologies
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming, 2008
Doping and Cheating in Contest-Like Situations
European Journal of Political Economy, 2007
Keywords: cheating, contest, doping, fraud in research, tournament
JEL classification: J3, K42, M5
Sabotage in Corporate Contests - An Experimental Analysis
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2007
Keywords: Bullying; Contest; Experiments; Sabotage; Tournament
JEL classification: C91, J33, J41, C72
Human Capital Investments in Asymmetric Corporate Tournaments
Journal of Economics and Business, forthcoming, 2007
Sabotage in Corporate Contests - An Experimental Analysis
International Journal of the Economics of Business, forthcoming, 2007
Tournaments versus Piece Rates under Limited Liability
International Journal of Business and Economics, forthcoming, 2007
Emotions and Compensation
Schmalenbach Business Review, forthcoming, 2008
Performance Measurement Technologies and the Trade-off of Risk and Incentives
International Journal of Business and Economics, forthcoming, 2007
On Delegation under Relational Contracts
International Journal of the Economics of Business, forthcoming, 2007
Distorted Performance Measurement and Relational Contracts
Schmalenbach Business Review, forthcoming, 2008
Optimal Risk Taking in an Uneven Tournament Game with Risk Averse Players
Journal of Mathematical Economics, forthcoming, 2008
Preemptive Behavior in Sequential-Move Tournaments with Heterogeneous Agents
Economics of Governance, Volume: 6, 2005, Pp 245-252
Keywords: preemption, tournaments
JEL classification: J3, M12, M5
Collective contests with externalities: corrigendum
European Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 21(2), 2005, Pp 533-536
An Empirical Study on Risk Taking in Tournaments
Applied Economics Letters, Volume: 12, 2005, Pp 457-461
Interindustry Wage Differentials and Industry-Wide Exit Rates of Firms
Applied Economics Quarterly, Volume: 50, 2004, Pp 165-182
Keywords: wages, wage differentials, firm exit
JEL classification: J3, J31
Are 18 holes enough for Tiger Woods?
Bulletin of Economic Research, 2006
Keywords: Promotion tournament, selection, heterogeneous employees, repetition
JEL classification: D82, M51
A Collective Tournament Under (un)limited Liability
Economic Issues, forthcoming
Keywords: Collective tournament, free-rider problem, liability, Nash bargaining
JEL classification: D2, J3, M5
Risk Taking in Asymmetric Tournaments
German Economic Review, Volume: 5, 2004, Pp 103-116
Keywords: effort effect, likelihood effect, risk taking, tournament
JEL classification: D23, J3, M12
A rationale for the coexistence of central and decentral marketing in team sports
German Economic Review, 2005
Keywords: central marketing, decentral marketing, collective tournament, complementarity
JEL classification: D2, L1, L8, M5
Helping and Sabotaging in Tournaments
International Game Theory Review, Volume: 7, 2005, Pp 211-228
Keywords: cost effect; likelihood effect; tournament
JEL classification: J31, J33, M5
International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume: 12, 2005, Pp 193-209
International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume: 12, 2005, Pp 193-209
Keywords: competition, incentives, knowledge transfer, limited liability, organizations
JEL classification: J3, M5
Envy and Compassion in Tournaments
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 14, 2005, Pp 187-207
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 14, 2005, Pp 187-207
Strategic Delegation and Mergers in Oligopolistic Contests
Journal of Economics and Business, 2005
Keywords: contests, merger, strategic delegation
JEL classification: L1, M2
Splitting Leagues
Journal of Economics, 2006
Keywords: collusion, leagues, promotion, relegation, tournaments
JEL classification: J3, J4, M5
A Note on Revenue Sharing in Sports Leagues
Journal of Sports Economics, 2006
Keywords: broadcasting revenues, equal sharing, sports leagues, revenue sharing, winner-take-
all scheme
Zur Reform der Professorenbesoldung in Deutschland
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Volume: 7, 2006, Pp 105-126
Keywords: Besoldung, Turnier
JEL classification: J3, M5
Strategic Delegation in Oligopolistic Tournaments
Review of Economic Design, forthcoming, 2006
Keywords: managerial incentives, oligopoly, strategic delegation, tournaments
JEL classification: L1, M2
Managerial versus Entrepreneurial Firms: The Benefits of Separating Ownership and Control
Schmalenbach Business Review, Volume: 56, 2004, Pp 2-19
Keywords: agency theory, contests, strategic delegation, takeovers
JEL classification: L1, M2
Simultaneous- versus Sequential-Move Tournaments with Heterogeneous Agents
Schmalenbach Business Review, 2006
Keywords: endogenous ordering of moves, heterogeneous agents, rank-order tournaments
JEL classification: J3, M12, M52
The Wage Policy of Firms - Comparative Evidence for the U.S. and Germany from Personnel Records
The International Journal of Human Resource Management , Volume: 16, 2005, Pp 104-119
Turniere in Unternehmen als Leistungsanreiz
Zeitschrift für Management, Volume: 4, 2004, Pp 2-5
R&D Spillovers and Strategic Delegation in Oligopolistic Contests
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 25, 2004, Pp 147-156
Keywords: Contests, spillovers, strategic delegation
JEL classification: L1, M2
Oekonomische Analyse der Professorenbesoldungsreform in Deutschland
Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser, Manfred Stadler (Hrsg.): Bildung, Tübingen, 2004, Pp 197-219
Keywords: Bullying; Contest; Experiments; Sabotage; Tournament
JEL classification: C91, J33, J41, C72
together with A1
Tournaments versus Piece Rates under Limited Liability
International Journal of Business and Economics, 2007
Keywords: incentives, piece rates, rank-order tournaments
JEL classification: J31, J33, M5
together with A1
Tournaments versus Piece Rates under Limited Liability
International Journal of Business and Economics, 2007
Keywords: incentives, piece rates, rank-order tournaments
JEL classification: J31, J33, M5
Emotions in Tournaments
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2007
Keywords: contest design, emotions, tournaments, unfair contests
JEL classification: J3, M5
B5 - Weltwirtschaftliche Integration und die neue Firmenorganisation
Who is Afraid of Political Risk: Multinational Firms and their Choice of Capital Structure
Journal of International Economics, forthcoming
Germany's Super Competitiveness - A Helping Hand from Eastern Europe
published her articel at VOXEU, June 20
Are Multinational Banks Different?
Economic Policy, forthcoming
FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry Level View
Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Topics, forthcoming
Who is Afraid of Political Risk? Multinational Firms and their Choice of Capital Structure
Journal of International Economics, forthcoming
Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host Countries
forthcoming in Journal of Comparative Economics (2008)
Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership Structure
forthcoming in International Journal of Industrial Organization (2008)
The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy
Harvard University Press, forthcoming, 2008
Foreign Banks in Eastern Europe: Mode of Entry and Effects on Bank Interest Rates
Liebscher, Klaus, Christl, Josef, Mooslechner, Peter and Ritzberger-Grünwald, Doris (Eds.), Financial Development, Integration and Stability in Central, Evidence from Central, Eastern and South-
Eastern Europe, Edgar Elgar, November, 2006, Pp 305-
Business Groups in Emerging Markets - Financial Control and Sequential Investment
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2007
Power Inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007
Power inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach
Journal of the European Economic Association (JEEA), Volume: 6, June, 2008
Disorganization and Financial Collapse
European Economic Review, Volume: 49, 2005, Pp 387
Keywords: Transition, Financial crisis, Output fall, Credit constraint, Barter
JEL classification: G3, P3, D2, O1
Product Standards, Trade Disputes, and Protectionism
Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Technology Transfer and Spillovers in International Joint Ventures
Journal of International Economics, 2006
Keywords: Foreign direct investment, International joint ventures, Technology transfer, Technology spillovers, Multinational firms
JEL classification: D43, F21, F23, L13, P31, O12
How elections matter:theory and evidence from environmental policy
Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Foreign Banks in Eastern Europe: Mode of Entry and Effects on Bank Interest Rates
Austrian National Bank, European Economic Integration: Financial Development, Integration and Stability in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 2005