A1 - Allokationsmechanismen in Organisationen und Märkten
Signalling Rivalry and Quality Uncertainty in a Duopoly
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade - June 2014
Collusive communication schemes in a first-price auction
Economic Theory, forthcoming
Implementation of communication equilibria by correlated cheap talk: The two-player case
Theoretical Economics 8, 95–123, 2013
A detail-free mediator
Games and Economic Behavior, 81, 101–115, 2013
Repeated Moral Hazard and Contracts with Memory: The Case of Risk-Neutrality
International Economic Review, 2012, 53(2), 433-453
Delegation, Monitoring, and Relational Contracts
Economics Letters, 2012, 117(2), 405-407
Infinitely Repeated Games with Public Monitoring and Monetary Transfers
Journal of Economic Theory, 2012, 147(3), 1191-1221
Renegotiation-proof Relational Contracts
Games and Economic Behavior, 80, 2013, 157-178
Informed-principal problems in environments with generalized private values
Theoretical Economics, 7 (2012), pp. 465-488
The (Sub-)Optimality of the Majority Rule
Games and Economic Behavior, 74 (2012), pp. 651-665
Investments and the Holdup Problem in a Matching Market
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 49(4), 302–311, 2013
Wage Bargaining, Productivity Growth and Long-Run Industry Structure, Labour Economics
19, 923-930. 2012
19, 923-930. 2012
Exit options in incomplete contracts with asymmetric information
Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (5) 2012
Externalities, Communication and the Allocation of Decision Rights
Economic Theory, 2009, Vol. 41(2), pp. 269-296
Regulatory Risk under Optimal Monopoly Regulation
Economic Journal, Volume 121, Issue 553, pages 740–762, June 2011
How organizational structure can reduce rent-seeking
Public Choice, October 2010
Optimal Procurement Contracts with Pre—Project Planning
Review of Economic Studies (2011), 78 (3): 1015-1041
Measuring the Deterrence Effect of Competition Policy: The Competition Policy Indexes
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2011, 7 (1): 165-204
War with outsiders makes peace inside
Conflict Management and Peace Science, April 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2, 91-110
Monopoly Distortions in Durability and Multi-Dimensional Quality
Economic Letters, Volume 105, Issue 3, December 2009, Pages 333-335
Sabotage in dynamic tournaments
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 46, Issue 2, 20 March 2010, Pages 179-190
Group Contest Success Functions
Economic Theory, Volume 41, Number 2, 345-357, 2009
Entrepreneurial Financing, Advice and Agency Costs
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 845–870, Fall 2009
Accounting Transparency and the Asset Substitution Problem
The Accounting Review 84 (3), 689 (2009)
Planned Obsolescence as an Incentive Device for Unobservable Quality
Economic Journal, Volume 119, Issue 540, pages 1405–1421, October 2009
Ex Post Private Information and Monopolistic Screening
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Volume 8, Issue 1, Article 25 (2008)
Delegation and Incentives
RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 39, No. 3 (Autumn, 2008), pp. 664-682
Easy Targets and the Timing of Conflict
Journal of Theoretical Politics, Volume: 17(2), April, 2005, Pp 199 - 215
together with A2
VCG mechanisms and efficient ex ante investments with externalities
Economic Letters, Volume 94, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 192-196
Delay in Contests
European Economic Review, Volume: 48, October, 2004, Pp 1169-1178
together with A2
Equilibria Learning in Simple Contests, Games and Economic Behavior
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume: 59, Issue: 1, Pages: 105-131, 2007
Buried in Paperwork: Excessive Reporting in Organizations
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 60, Issue 4, August 2006, Pages 460-470
Message - Contingent Delegation
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 60, Issue 4, August 2006, Pages 490-506
Regulating Availability with Demand Uncertainty
German Economic Review, Volume 8, Issue 1, pages 107–121, February 2007
Deterministic versus Stochastic Mechanisms Principal - Agent Models
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 128, Issue 1, May 2006, Pages 306-314
Mediation in Situations of Conflict and Limited Commitment
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Volume: 21, 2005, Pp 467 - 500
Interim Information in Lomg Term Contracts
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 15, Issue 4, pages 1041–1067, Winter 2006
Ordinary Shares and Managers
Journal of Economics, Volume: 87(1), p.1-14, 2006
Timing of verification procedures: monitoring vs. auditing
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 59, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 89-107
Honest certification and the threat of capture
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 23, Issues 1-2, February 2005, Pages 45-
Conflict and the Social Contract
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume: 108, July 2006, Pp 231-249
The Bologna Process: How student mobility affects multi-cultural skills and educational quality with Lydia Mechtenberg
International Tax and Public Finance, Volume 15, Number 2, 109-130, 2007
Contracting with imperfect commitment and noisy communication
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 136, Issue 1, September 2007, Pages 236-259
Advertising and Conspicuous Consumption
Journal of Theoretical and Institutional Economics, Volume 162, Number 4, December 2006 , pp. 661-682(22)
A2 - Turniere in Organisations- und Steuerungsproblemen
Climate policy negotiations with incomplete information
Economica, 81(322), 244-256, April 2014
User cost elasticity of capital revisited
Economica 81(321), 161-186. January 2014
Financial leverage and corporate taxation – Evidence from German corporate tax return data
International Tax and Public Finance 21(1), 1-28, February 2014
Implementing quotas in university admissions: An experimental analysis
Games and Economic Behavior 85, 232-251, May 2014
Information sharing in contests
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming
Hanging together or hanged separately. The strategic power of coalitions where bargaining occurs with incomplete information
Journal of Conflict Resolution, forthcoming
Brothers in arms - An experiment on the alliance puzzle
In: Games and Economic Behavior (forthcoming)
Volunteering and the strategic value of ignorance
Social Choice and Welfare (forthcoming)
Information acquisition in conflicts
Economic Theory (forthcoming)
Evolutionarily stable in-group favoritism and out-group spite in intergroup conflict
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Information alliances in contests with budget limits
Public Choice, 151(3-4), pp. 679-
Fighting multiple tax havens
Journal of International Economics, 86(2), pp. 295-305
The last refuge of a scoundrel? Patriotism and tax compliance
Economica, 79(315), pp. 516-533
The market for protection and the origin of the state
Economic Theory, 50(2), pp. 417-443
Patriotism, taxation and international mobility
Public Choice, 151(3-4), pp. 695-
Search costs and corporate income tax competition
Economics Letters (2011), 112(2):213-215
Self-enforcing norms and efficient non-cooperative collective action in the provision of public goods
Public Choice (2011), 146 (3-4): 501-
Are Consumers Fooled by Discounts? An Experimental Test in a Consumer Search Environment
Economic Record , Volume 87, Issue 279, pages 575–586, December 2011
Volunteering and the Strategic Value of Ignorance
WZB Discussion Paper SPII 2010-17
Mercenaries in Civil Wars, 1950-2000
WZB Discussion Paper SP II 2009-05
Multi-battle Contests
Games and Economic Behavior, 2009, Volume: 66, Issue: 1, Pages: 256-274
The Alliance Formation Puzzle and Capacity Constraints
Economics Letters, 2009, Vol. 103(2), pp. 84-86
Strategy and Dynamics in Contests
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009
Coalition Politics and Accountability
Public Choice, 2009, Vol. 139(3), pp. 413-428
Strategic information acquisition and the mitigation of global warming
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 59, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 206-217
The alliance formation puzzle and capacity constraints
Economics Letters, Volume 103, Issue 2, May 2009, Pages 84-86
Repeated Contests with Asymmetric Information
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 89–118, February 2009
40 Years of Research on Rent Seeking (Vol.1 and Vol.2)
Springer, 2008
Private versus complete information in auctions
Economic Letters, Volume 101, Issue 3, December 2008, Pages 214-216
All Equilibria of the Multi-Unit Vickrey Auction
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 2, July 2009, Pages 729-741
Contests with stochastic abilities
Economic Inquiry, Economic Inquiry, Volume 48, Number 1, January 2010 , pp. 89-103(15)
Multi-battle contests
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 256-274
Contest with an unknown number of contestants
Public Choice, Vol. 129, No. 3/4 (Dec., 2006), pp. 353-368
The Merger paradox and why aspiration levels let it fail in the laboratory
Economic Journal, Volume 117, Issue 522, pages 1073–1095, July 2007
Ein Urteil und seine Folgen: Ökonomie und Verfassungswidrigkeit des Berliner Haushalts
WZB Mitteilungen , Volume: 104, 2004, Pp 22-25
Delegation in First-price All-pay Auctions
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 25, December 2004, Pp 283-290
Inverse Campaigning
The Economic Journal, Volume: 114, January 2004, Pp 69-83
Geringe Auswirkungen der Osterweiterung auf den Haushalt der Europäischen Union
VBKI Spiegel, Volume: 54(195), Juni 2004, Pp 34-35
Altruism and envy in contests: an evolutionarily stable symbiosis
Social Choice and Welfare, Volume: 22, 2004, Pp 479-490
Merger profitability and trade policy
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume: 106(1), 2004, Pp 107-122
Union strategy and optimal direct taxation
Journal of Public Economics, Volume 90, Issues 1-2, January 2006, Pages 393-
Federal tax autonomy and the limits of cooperation
Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 59, Issue 2, March 2006, Pages 317-329
Strategic trade policy and the home bias in firm ownership structure
Japan and the World Economy, Volume: 15(3), August, 2003, Pp 299-305
Moral cost, commitment and committee Size
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 161(4), 2005, Pp 575-588
Silent interests and all pay auctions
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 24, Issue 4, July 2006, Pages 701-713
In der Schuldenfalle gefangen: Wie konnte es mit Berlin so weit kommen?
Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften/Review of Economics, Volume: 54, 2003, Pp 114-130
Profitable horizontal mergers without cost advantages: the role of internal organization, information and market structure
Economica, Volume: 71, 2004, Pp 575-587
The investment problem in terrorism
Economica, Volume: 71(283), August, 2004, Pp 449-459
Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat
Ökonomische Analsye der exzessiven Verschuldung von Landeshaushalten - am Beispiel der Verfassungswidrigkeit der Berliner Haushalte
Die Offentliche Verwaltung (DOV), Volume: 12, Juni, 2004, Pp 511-517
Bidding in Hierarchies
European Economic Review, Volume: 48, December, 2004, Pp 1301-1308
Mobilität in mehrstufigen Ausbildungsturnieren
Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser und Manfred Stadler (Hrsg.), Bildung, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2004
Anreize statt Haushaltsnotlagen
Finanzkrise im Bundesstaat, Konrad, Kai A., und Beate Jochimsen (Hrsg.), 2006, Pp 11-28
The Political Economy of the German Länder Deficits
Diskussionspapier des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin, Juni, 2005
The generalized Stackelberg equilibrium of the all-pay auction with complete information
Review of Economic Design, 2007, Volume 11, Number 2, 165-174
Fragmented Property Rights and Incentives for R&D
Management Science (2008), Volume: 54, Issue: 5, Pages: 969-981
Political Fragmentation and Projected Tax Revenues: Evidence from Flemish Municipalities
International Tax and Public Finance, April 2007, Volume 15, Number 3, 297-315
Jenseits von Ausgabenkürzungen - Alternative Optionen zur Haushaltssanierung von Bundesländern: der Fall Berlin
Schmollers Jahrbuch, Volume: 127(2), 2007, Pp 1-37
Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil
Peter Lang Verlag, 2007
Ein Ausweg aus der bundesstaatlichen Haftungsverflechtung
In: Konrad and Jochimsen (eds.), Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil, Peter Lang Verlag, 2007, Pp 155-
Measuring the Bridging Potential of Voluntary Associations: The Importance of Association Size with H. Coffé
Sociology, 2008, Volume 42(2): 357–369
Succession Rules and Leadership Rents
Journal of Conflict Resolution, August 2007, Vol. 51, No. 4, 622-645
Lobbying Contests with Endogenous Policy Proposals
Economics and Politics, Volume: 18(3), 2006, Pp 389-397
Haftungsbegrenzungen im internationalen Vergleich - Was kann Deutschland lernen?
In: Konrad and Jochimsen (eds.), Der Föderalstaat nach dem Berlin-Urteil, Peter Lang Verlag, 2007, Pp 135-
Asymmetric conflict: Weakest link against best shot
The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Jun., 2007), pp. 457-469
Time consistency and bureaucratic budget competition
Economic Journal, Volume 118, Issue 525, pages 1–15, January 2008
Rents, Dissipation and Lost Treasures: Comment
Public Choice, 2007, Volume 130, Numbers 3-4, 329-
FDI and the dark side of decentralisation
Economic Policy, Volume 22, Issue 49, pages 5–70, January 2007
Selection Tournaments, Sabotage, and Participation
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 16, Issue 4, pages 943–970, Winter 2007
Contests with Multi-Tasking
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2007, Volume 109, Issue 2, Pages 303-319
Easy Targets and the Timing of Conflict
Journal of Theoretical Politics, Volume: 17(2), April, 2005, Pp 199 - 215
together with A1
Simultaneous inter- and intra group conflicts
Economic Theory, February 2007, Volume 32, Number 2, 333-352
Contest with Investments
Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming
Delay in Contests
European Economic Review, Volume: 48, October, 2004, Pp 1169-1178
together with A1
A3 - Markt- und Auktionsdesign in komplexen Umgebungen
Bilateral k+1-price Auctions with Asymmetric Shares and Values
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 82, November 2013, pages 350-368.
Specialization and Partisanship in Committee Search
Theoretical Economics, Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2013, pages 751-774.
On the equivalence of Bayesian and dominant strategy implementation
Econometrica, Volume 81, Issue 1, January 2013, pages 197–220.
Non-Bayesian Optimal Search and Dynamic Implementation
Economic Letters, Volume 118, Issue 1, January 2013, pages 121–125.
Locally robust implementation and its limits
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 147, Issue 6, November 2012, pages 2439–2452.
Optimal Search, Learning and Implementation
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 147, Issue 3, May 2012, pages 881–909.
Dynamic Allocation and Pricing: A Mechanism Design Approach
International Journal of Industrial Organisation, Volume 30, Issue 3, May 2012, pages 283–286.
Optimal Seedings in Elimination Tournaments
Economic Theory, Volume 49, 2012, pages 59-80.
Carrots and Sticks: Prizes and Punishments in Contests
Economic Inquiry, Volume 50, Issue 2, April 2012, pages 453–462.
Advance-purchase discounts as a price discrimination device
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 146, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 141-162
Contests for Status
Journal of Political Economy, 2007, Vol. 115 (2), pp. 338-363
Coarse matching with incomplete information
Economic Theory, 2011, Volume 47, Number 1, 75-104
When queueing is better than push and shove
International Journal of Game Theory, 2010, Volume 39, Number 3, 409-430
Tournaments with midterm reviews
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 162-190
Efficient tournaments within teams
The RAND Journal of Economics, Volume 40, Issue 1, pages 103–119, Spring 2009
The Roles of Stories in Applying Game Theory
Journal of Economic Methodology (2008), Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Publisher: Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, Pages: 131-146
Competing Auctions with Endogenous Quantities
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 141, Issue 1, July 2008, Pages 1-27
Dynamic Revenue Maximization with Heterogenous Objects: A Mechnism Design Approach
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, August 2009, 1(2): 168–98.
The Theory of Assortative Matching Based on Costly Signals
Review of Economic Studies, 2009, 76 (1): 253-281.
Learning About The Future and Dynamic Efficiency
American Economic Review, September 2009, Vol. 99(4), pp. 1576–87
Buyers' Alliances for Bargaining Power
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 13(4), 2004, Pp 731 - 754
All Equilibria of the Vickrey Auction
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume: 114, 2004, Pp 170 - 177
An Economic Approach to Article 82
Competition Policy International , Volume: 2(1), 2006, Pp 111 - 154
Priority Auctions and Queue Disciplines that Depend on Processing Time
Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 2 (Feb., 2005), pp. 236-248
License Auctions and Market Structure
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 371–396, Summer 2006
The Design of an Efficient Private Industry
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), 2004, Pp 516-
Innovation Timing Games: A General Framework with Applications
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 121, Issue 1, March 2005, Pages 30-50
Contest Architecture
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume: 126, January 2006, Pp 70-97
Mixed Bundling Auctions
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 134, Issue 1, May 2007, Pages 494-512
Private Monitoring in Auctions
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 131, Issue 1, November 2006, Pages 179-211
Declining Valuations in Sequential Auctions
International Journal of Game Theory, Volume: 33, 2004, Pp 89-106
Intermediation in Innovation
International Journal of Industrial Organization,
Volume 23, Issues 5-6, June 2005, Pages 483-
The Limits of Ex-Post Implementation
Econometrica, Volume 74, Issue 3, pages 585–610, May 2006
An Experimental analysis of auctions with interdependent valuations
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume: 48(1), July 2004, Pp 54-85
Allocation Mechanisms and Post-Allocation Interaction
M. Janssen (ed), Auctioning Public Assets Analysis and Alternatives, Cambridge University Press, 2004, 2004
An Analysis of the European 3G Licensing Process
M. Janssen (ed.), Auctioning Public Assets Analysis and Alternatives, Cambridge University Press, 2004
Matching Markets
M. Janssen (ed.), Auctioning Public Assets Analysis and Alternatives, Cambridge University Press, 2004
Buyers Alliances for Bargaining Power
Journal of Economics and Managment Strategy, Volume 13, Issue 4, pages 731–754, December 2004
Allocative and Informational Externalities in Auctions and Related Mechanisms
Richard Blundell, Whitney Newey, Torsten Persson (eds), The Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Cambridge University Press, 2006
On the Desirabillity of an Efficiency Defense in Merger Control
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 803-827
A Group Bargaining Solution
Mathematical Social Sciences, Volume: 48, 2004, Pp 37 - 53
Equilibria of a Dynamic Global Game: The Role of Cohort Effects
Economic Theory, Volume: 28, 2005, Pp 531-557
A4 - Unvollständige Verträge, Marktinteraktion und soziale Vergleichsprozesse
Individual Behavior as a Pathway Between Early-Life Shocks and Adult Health Outcomes: Evidence from Hunger Episodes in Post-War Germany
Economic Journal, forthcoming
The measurement of household consumption expenditures
Annual Review of Economics, 6, 475-501
Loss Aversion and Inefficient Renegotiation
Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming.
Uncertainty causes rounding: An experimental study.
Experimental Economics, 17, 391-413 (2014)
Preparedness of Americans for the Affordable Care Act
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
111, 5497-5502. (2014)
Reference Points, Social Norms, and Fairness in Contract Renegotiation
Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming
Pay What You Want as a Marketing Strategy in Monopolistic and Competitive Markets
(2014), Management Science, forthcoming.
Complementary Patents and Market Structure
Journal of Economics and Management Science, Vol. 23 (1), Spring 2014, 68-88
Worker characteristics and wage differentials: evidence from a gift-exchange experiment
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 97, 185-203 (2014)
Plan selection in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data
Journal of Health Economics, 32, 1325-1344 (2013)
Optimal Incentive Contracts for Knowledge Workers
European Economic Review, forthcoming
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action: Hypothetical choices and real decisions in Medicare Part D
Journal of Health Economics, 32, 1313-1324 (2013)
Distinguishing trust from risk: An anatomy of the investment game
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2010, Vol. 74, p. 72-81
Are anchoring vignettes ratings sensitive to vignette age and sex?
Health Economics, 2013, Vol.22, p. 1-13
Discretion, Productivity and Job Satisfaction
(2013) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol. 169, 4-22
Worker characteristics and wage differentials: Evidence from a gift-exchange experiment
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming
Plan selection in Medicare Part D: Evidence from administrative data
Journal of Health Economics, 2013, Vol. 32, p. 1325-1344
Per-period co-payments and the demand for health care: Evidence from survey and claims data
Health Economics, 2013, Vol. 22, p. 1111-1123
The expectation-based loss-averse newsvendor
Economics Letters, Vol. 120, Issue 3 (September 2013), pp
Use and Abuse of Authority: A Behavioral Foundation of the Employment Relation
(2013) Journal of the European Economic Association Vol. 11(4), 711-742
“Uncertain Demand, Consumer Loss Aversion, and Flat- Rate Tariffs”
Journal of the European
Economic Association, Vol. 11 (2), 399-432
Asymmetric information in automobile insurance: Evidence from Germany
Journal of Risk and Insurance - forthcoming
Do they know what's at risk? An empirical analysis of health risk perception among the obese
Health Economics, 23(5), 564-585. (2014)
Risk attitudes and Medicare Part D enrollment decisions
Economics Letters, 2013, Vol. 119, p. 128-132
Fairness and cheating
European Economic Review, 2012, Vol. 56, p. 1645-1655
The effects of World War II on economic and health outcomes across Europe
Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(1), 103-118 (2014)
Rules of thumb in life-cycle saving decisions
Economic Journal, 122, 479-501 (2012)
Stock market expectations of Dutch households
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26, 416-436 (2011)
Screening, Competition, and Job Design: The Origin of Good Jobs
American Economic Review 2012, 102(2), 834-864
Survey evidence on conditional norm enforcement
European Journal of Political Economy, 2012, Vol. 28, p. 390-398
Strategic responses: A survey experiment on opposition to pension reforms
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2013, Vol. 115, p. 549-574
Communication, Cooperation and Collusion in Team Tournaments - An Experimental Study
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 1, May 2009, Pages 506-525
Licensing Complementary Parents: 'Patent Trolls', Market Structure, and 'Excessive' Royalities
Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 2010, pp.1121-44
Two Tales on Resale
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Nov 2008, Volume: 26 Issue: 6 pp.1448-1460
Screening, Competition, and Job Deisgn: Economic Origins of Good Jobs
American Economic Review, forthcoming (2011)
Social Preferences, Sorting, and Competition
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming (2010)
Heterogeneous Social Preferences, Screening, and Employment Contracts
Oxford Economic Papers, 2011, 63 (3): 499-522.
Competition, Cooperation, and Corporate Culture
The RAND Journal of Economics, Volume 42, Issue 1, pages 23–43, Spring 2011
Wage Inequality and Team Production: An Experimental Analysis
Journal of Economic Psychology, vol. 32, pp. 1-16, 2011
The Intensity of Incentives in Firms and Markets: Moral Hazard with Envious Agents
Labour Economics, Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2010, Pages 598-607
Equal Sharing Rules in Partnerships
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol. 166(2), pp. 299-320, 2010
Worker Self-Selection and the Profits from Cooperation
Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings), vol. 7, pp. 573-582, 2009
Bargaining under Incomplete Information, Fairness, and the Hold-Up Problem
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 71, pp. 486-494, 2009
Commitment in R&D Tournaments via Strategic Delegation to Overoptimistic Managers
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume 32, Issue 1, pages 63–69, January 2011
Do investors respond to tax reform? Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany
Economics Letters, Volume 108, Issue 2, August 2010, Pages 193-196
Incentives, Reputation and the Allocation of Authority
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 76, Issue 2, November 2010, Pages 413-427
Structural measurement errors in nonseparable models
Journal of Econometrics, Volume 157, Issue 2, August 2010, Pages 432-440
Item nonresponse to financial questions in household surveys: An experimental study of interviewer and mode effects
Fiscal Studies, 367-390 , Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, December 2009
The relationship between risk attitudes and heuristics in search tasks: A laboratory experiment
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 71, Issue 2, August 2009, Pages 347-360
A model of strategic delegation in contests between groups
Review of Economic Design, 2009, Volume 13, Number 3, 205-232
Information, Coordination, and the Industrialization of Countries
CESifo Economic Studies, 2008, 54 (3): 534-550
Two-Sided Markets with Pecuniary and Participation Externalities
Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 57(1), pp. 32-57, March 2009
Fairness and the Optimal Allocation of Ownership Rights
The Economic Journal, Volume 118, Issue 531, pages 1262–1284, August 2008
Auctions to Implement the Efiicient Market Structure
International Journal of Industrial Organization 26(3), 846-859 (2008)
The Chopstick Auction: A Study of the Exposure Problem in Multi-Unit Auctions
EEA Conference, August, 2004
Inequity Aversion, Financial Markets, and Output Fluctuations
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2, 2004, Pp 229-239
Housing Market Dynamics: On the Contribution of Income Shocks and Credit Constraints
Review of Economic Studies, Volume: 73, 2006, Pp 459-485
Keywords: Housing Demand, Income Fluctuations, Overlapping Generations, Collateral Constraint
JEL classification: E32, G12, G21, R21
Fairness and Incentives in a Multi-Task Principal-Agent Model
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Volume: 106, 2004, Pp 453-374
Strategic Experimentation with Exponential Bandits
Econometrica, Volume 73, Issue 1, pages 39–68, January 2005
Housing Transactions and Macroeoconomic Fluctuations: A Case Study of England and Wales
Journal of Housing Economics, Volume: 13, 2004, Pp 287-303
The Economics of Fairness, Reciprocity and Altruism - Experimental Evidence and New Theories
Handbook on the Economics of Giving Reciprocity and Altruism, ed. by Serge-Christophe Kolm and Jean Mercier Ythier, Amsterdam, Elsevier, Volume: 1, 2006, Pp 615-
A Comment on Gayer and Shy
CESifo Economic Studies, Volume: 51, 2005, Pp 491-493
The Economics of Covenants as a Means of Efficient Creditor Protection
European Business Organization Law Review, Volume: 7(1), 2006, Pp 89-94
What Determines the Level of IPO Gross Spreads? Underwriter Profits and the Costs of Going Public
International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 81-109
Heterogeneity within communities: A Stochastic Model with Tenure Choice
Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 64(1), pp. 1-17, July 2009
in: Köhler, R., Küpper, H.-U. und Pfingsten, A., Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Stuttgart: Schäffer-
Poeschel Verlag, 2007, Pp 1937-
Adding a Stick to the Carrot? The Interaction of Bonuses and Fines
American Economic Review, Volume: 97(2), 2007, Pp 177-181
Fairness and the Optimal Allocation of Ownership Rights
Economic Journal, Volume 118, Issue 531, pages 1262–1284, August 2008
Vom Homo Oeconomicus zum Homo Reciprocans
Einsichten, Volume: 1, 2004, Pp 18-21
Fairness und der Homo Oeconomicus
Thinker’s Corner, 2004
Why do Low Cost Carriers Arise and How Can They Survive the Competitive Responses of Established Airlines? A Theoretical Explanation
Competition Versus Predation in Aviation Markets: A Survey of Experience in North America, Europe and Australia, ed. von P. Forsyth, D.W. Gillen, O.G. Mayer und H.-M. Niemeier, Ashgate Publishing, Hampshire, England, 2005, Pp 267-
Performance Measure Congruity and the Balanced Scorecard
Journal of Accounting Research (2007), Volume: 45, Issue: 3, Publisher: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of Accounting Research Center, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, Pages: 515-539
A Comment on Dinlersoz and Pereira
CESifo Economic Studies, Volume: 51(2-3), 2005, Pp 295-
Conditional Allocation of Control Rights in Venture Capital Firms
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, Volume: Special Issue 5, 2006, Pp 39-52
Fairness and Contract Design
Econometrica, Volume: 75(1), 2007, Pp 121-154
Price variability and price dispersion in a stable monetary environment: Evidence from German retail markets
Managerial Decision Economics, Volume: 28, 2007, Pp 789-801
Inequality Aversion, Efficiency, and Maximin Preferences in Simple Distribution Experiments: Comment
American Economic Review, Volume: 96(5), 2006, Pp 1912-1917
A5 - Unvollständige Vertragsbeziehungen und die Gestaltung von Residualrechten
Judgment Proofness and the Choice between Monetary and Nonmonetary Care
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.
Damages Regimes, Precaution Incentives, and the Intensity Principle
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.
When are Signals Substitutes or Complements?
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 148, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 165-195.
Anticipated Regret as an Explanation for Uncertainty Aversion
Economic Theory, Volume 52, Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 709-728.
Endogenous Information and Stochastic Contracts
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 76, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 535-547.
Exit Options in Incomplete Contracts with Asymmetric Information
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 147, Issue 5, September 2012, Pages 1947-1968.
Optimal Auction Design with Endogenously Correlated Buyer Types
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 147, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 118-141.
Remedies for Non-Performance
Chapter 3 of Book III of the DCFR from an Economists' Perspective, in Pierre Larouche and Filomena Chirico, Economic Analaysis of the DCFR, Sellier, European Law Publishers
Renegotiation-Proof Relational Contracts with Side Payments
R&R from Games and Economic Behavior
Sticking to Fiscal Plans: The Role of Institutions
Public Choice, 2010, Volume 144, Numbers 3-4, 487-
Standard Breach Remedies, Quality Thresholds, and Cooperative Investments
Journal of Economics, Law & Organization, Vol. 28, 2010
Expectation Damages, Divisible Contracts, and Bilateral Investment
American Economic Review, 2009, 99(4): 1608–18
Optimal Auction with Resale - A Characterization of the Conditions
Economic Theory, 2009, Volume 40, Number 3, 509-528
The Design of fiscal rules and Forms of Governance in the European Union
European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 23, Issue 2, June 2007, Pages 338-359
Delegation and Incentives
The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 39, No. 3 (Autumn, 2008), pp. 664-682
How organizational structure can reduce rent-seeking
Public Choice, October 2010
Optimal Procurement Contracts with Pre—Project Planning
Review of Economic Studies (2011), 78 (3): 1015-1041
War with outsiders makes peace inside
Conflict Management and Peace Science, April 2011, Vol. 28, No. 2, 91-110
Incentives for Separation and Incentives for Public Good Provision
Public Choice, 2010, Volume 145, Numbers 3-4, 531-
Legal Damages for Losses of Chances
International Review of Law and Economics, Volume 29, Issue 2, June 2009, Pages 153-160
Der Einwand rechtmäßigen Alternativverhaltens -Rechtsvergleich, Ökonomische Analyse und Implikationen für die Proportionalhaftung
(English Title: The Doctrine of Proximate Cause - A Comparative and Economic Approach and its Implications for Proportional Liability), joint with Kristoffel Grechenig – RabelsZ, forthcoming.
Haftung bei Unsicherheit des hypothetischen Kausalitätsverslaufs – Berechnungsmethoden am Beispiel der Arzthaftung
(English Title: Liability under Uncertain Causation – Calculation of Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases.), Archiv für die civilistische Praxis (AcP), 208. Band, Heft 5, Oktober 2008.
Erga Omnes Norms and the Enforcement of International Law: Comment
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume 165, Number 1, March 2009 , pp. 29-32(4)
Exploiting Plaintiffs through Settlement: Divide and Conquer. Comment
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume 164, Number 1, March 2008 , pp. 27-30(4)
Herding with and without Payoff Externalities - An Internet Experiment
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 25, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 391-415
together with C4
Veto-based Delegation
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 138, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 297-307
together with A1
Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets: An Internet Experiment
American Economic Review, Volume: 95(5), 2005, Pp 1403-1426
together with C4
Can Coasean Bargaining Justify Pigouvian Taxation?
Economica, Volume 74, Issue 296, pages 573–585, November 2007
Reserve Prices in Auction as Reference Points
Economic Journal, Volume 31, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 230-240
Joint Ownership and Incomplete Contracts: The Case of Perfectly Substitutable Investments
Schmalenbach Business Review/Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Volume: 56(1), 2004, Pp 72-89
Are Fiscal Spending Rules Effective
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 2006
Fiscal Rules and Fiscal Performance in the European Union and Japan
Monetary and Economic Studies, Volume: 14(1), 2006, Pp 25-60
Asset Ownership and Contractibility of Interaction
RAND Journal of Economics, Volume: 35(4), 2004, Pp 787-802
Cooperative Investments induced by Contract Law
RAND Journal of Economics, The RAND Journal of Economics
Vol. 37, No. 1 (Spring, 2006), pp. 134-145
Workplace Surveillance, Privacy Protection, and Efficiency Wages
Labour Economics, Volume 12, Issue 6, December 2005, Pages 727-738
Allocating Control in Agency Problems with Limited Liability and Sequential Hidden Actions
RAND Journal of Economics, Volume: 36(2), 2005, Pp 318-336
Should Contractual Clauses that Forbid Renegotiation Always be Enforced?
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Volume: 21, 2005, Pp 315-329
Black Sheep and Walls of Silence
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 65, Issues 3-4, March 2008, Pages 387-
The pure theory of multilateral obligations
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 161, 2005, Pp 239-254
Delegation of Authority as an Optimal (In)complete Contract
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume 162, Number 3, September 2006 , pp. 391-411(21)
What Do Deficits Tell Us About Debt: Empirical Evidence On Creative Accounting With Fiscal Rules in the EU
Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 30, Issue 12, December 2006, Pages 3259-3279
The Determination of Capital Controls: Which Role do Exchange Rate Regimes Play
Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 227-248
Law and Economics of Obligations
International Review of Law and Economics, Volume 25, Issue 2, June 2005, Pages 209-228
Endogenous Punishments in Agency with Verifiable Ex Post Information
International Economic Review, Volume 46, Issue 4, pages 1207–1231, November 2005
Universal Possibility and Impossibility Results
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 57, Issue 1, October 2006, Pages 73-85
Fiscal Policy Challenges for EU Acceding Countries
Susan Schadler (ed.), Euro Adoption in Central and Eastern Europe: Opportunities and Challenges. Washington DC, IMF, 2005
Information Gathering, Transaction Costs, and the Property Rights Approach
American Economic Review, Volume: 96, 2006, Pp 422-434
The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in Transition Economies
Economic Systems, Volume: 29, 2005, Pp 75-256
Spieltheorie und Schuldrecht - Der Ersatz reiner Vermögensschäden
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2005
Risk Sharing and Stabilization
Robin Boadway and Anwar A. Shah (eds.): Fiscal Federalism. Washington DC: World Bank, 2006
The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes in Transition Economies
Gleb P. Severov (ed.): International Finance and Monetary Policy, 2006
Fisher Body Revisited: Supply Contracts and Vertical Integration
European Journal of Law and Economics, 2006, Volume 22, Number 2, 181-196
Ökonomische Analyse der Organhaftung
Susanne Kalss (ed.), Vorstandshaftung in 15 europäischen Ländern, Linde Verlag, Wien 95-164, 2005, Pp 95-
Official and De Facto Exchange Rate Regimes in Transition Economies
Economics of Transition, Volume: 13(4), October 2005, Pp 679-703
Job Protection Laws and Agency Problems under Asymmetric Information
European Economic Review, Volume 48, Issue 5, October 2004, Pages 1027-1046
The political economy of regionalism
European Economic Review, Volume 48, Issue 3, June 2004, Pages 563-593
Fiscal Policy Challenges for EU Acceding Countries
Fritz Breuss and Eduard Hochreiter (eds.), Challenges for Central Banks in an Enlarged EMU, Wien, New York, Springer, 2005
Macroeconomic Adjustment in the New EU Member States
Carsten Detken, Vitor Gaspar, and Gilles Noblet (eds.), The New EU Member States - Convergence and Stability, Frankfurt: European Central Bank, 2005
Budgeting Institutions and Public Spending
Anwar A. Shah (ed.): Fiscal Management, World Bank, Public Sector Governance and Accountability Series, Washington DC, 2005
Political Economy of Fiscal Institutions
Barry Weingast and Donald Wittman (eds.): Oxford Handbook on Political Economy, Oxford University Press, 2006
Financial Frictions, Capital Reallocation, and Aggregate Fluctuations
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 32, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 978-999
Does Interbank Borrowing Reduce Risk
Journal of Money,Credit and Banking, Volume 41, Issue 2-3, pages 491–506, March-
April 2009
Reserve Prices in Auctions as Reference Points
Economic Journal, Volume 117, Issue 520, pages 637–653, April 2007
Budget Processes: Theory and Experimental Evidence
Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 59, Issue 2, May 2007, Pages 279-295
Un conseil de stabilite pour assurer la soutenabilite budgetaire en UEM
Economie et Prevision, Volume: 173, February 2006, Pp 7-25
Financial Liberalization in a Small Open Economy
Open Economies Review, 2006, Volume 17, Numbers 4-5, 373-
Tortious Acts Affecting Markets
International Review of Law and Economics, Volume 27, Issue 1, March 2007, Pages 49-69
Macro Fiscal Policies: New Perspectives and Challenges
International Tax and Public, Special Edition, 2006
Money Market Pressure and the Determinants of Banking Crises
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Volume 39, Issue 5, pages 1037–1066, August 2007
The Future of Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets
Cambridge University Press, 2007
A6 - Typenvielfalt, Loyalität und die Bildung von Handelsnetzwerken
Immediate Demand Reduction in Simultaneous Ascending Bid Auctions: A Uniqueness Result
Economic Theory, Vol. 29(3), 2006, Pages 721- 726
The Third Generation (UMTS) Spectrum License Auction in Germany
Illing, G. and U. Klüh (eds.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 2004, Pp 223-246
together with A7
Heterogeneous Time Preferences and Humps in the Yield Curve: The Preferred Habitat Theory Revisited
European Journal of Finance, Volume: 10, 2004, Pp 3-23
JEL classification: G12
Stochastic equilibria for economies under uncertainty with intertemporal substitution
Annals of Finance, 2005
Speculation in Standard Auctions with Resale
Econometrica, 2005
Generic Determinacy of Equilibria with Local Substitution
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume: 41, 2005, Pp 603-616
Keywords: prevalence, local substitution, determinacy, infinite-dimensional commodity spaces, Hindy-
Kreps preferences, local substitution
JEL classification: D91
Stability of the replicator equation for a single species with a multidimensional continuous trait space
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2005
Dynamic Coherent Risk Measures
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 2004, Pp 185-200
Keywords: Risk Measures, Consistency, Coherence, Dynamic Models
JEL classification: D81
Gregarious Behaviour of Evasive Prey
Journal of Mathematical Biology, Volume: 52(5), 2006, Pp 595 - 612
Existence of Linear Equilibria in the Kyle Model with Multiple Informed Traders
Annals of Finance, 2005
together with C7
A7 - Auktionen und Wettbewerb
“Security bid auctions for agency contracts”
Review of Economic Design (DOI: 10.1007/s10058-014-
2) -
On the Timing of Climate Agreements
Environmental and Resource Economics - forthcoming
Spectrum license auctions with exit (and call) options: Alternative remedies for the exposure problem
Information Economics and Policy, forthcoming
Deadlines in Stochastic Contests
Journal of Mathematical Economics 52 (2014) 134–142
Delegation and Dynamic Incentives
RAND Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Liability Insurance and Choice of Cars: A Large Game Approach
Journal of Public Economic Theory, forthcoming
Speculative Partnership Dissolution with Auctions
Review of Economic Design, forthcoming
Consumer Standards as a Strategic Device to Mitigate Ratchet Effects in Dynamic Regulation
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming
Bayesian Optimal Knapsack Procurement
European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming (doi:
Licensing process innovations when losersʼ messages determine royalty rates
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 82, 2013, Pages 388–402 (doi:
Ex Post Private Information and Monopolistic Screening
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol. 8, 2008, Article 25 (doi:10.2202/1935-1704.1458)
Optimal Procurement Contracts with Pre–Project Planning
Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 78, 2011, Pages 1015-1041 (doi: 10.1093/restud/rdq033).
The High/Low Divide: Self-Selection by Values in Auction Choice
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 73(1), 2011, Pages 200–214
Gender Differences in Team Work and Team Competition
Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 32, 2011, Pages 797-808
Optimal contracts for lenient supervisors
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 81(2), 2012, Pages 403-420
A Note on Bayesian Nash Equilibria in Imperfectly Discriminating Contests
Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 66(2), 2013, Pages 180-182 (doi: 10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2013.03.001)
Optimal Use of Rewards as Commitment Device When Bidding is Costly
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol. 13(1), 2013, Pages 1-11
(doi: 10.1515/bejte-2012-
A dynamic auction for multi-object procurement under a hard budget constraint
Research Policy, forthcoming, (doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2013.06.011)
Licensing a Common Value Innovation when Signaling Strength May Backfire
International Journal of Game Theory, DOI: 10.1007/s00182-013-
Horizontal mergers with synergies: cash- vs. profit-share auctions
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 31(5), 2013, Pages 382-391 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2013.06.005)
The Fog of Fraud - Mitigating Fraud by Strategic Ambiguity
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 81, 2013, Pages 255-275 (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2013.05.009)
Incomplete information in rent-seeking contests
Economic Theory, Vol. 53(1), 2013, Pages 239-268 (doi: 10.1007/s00199-
Comments to Correlated information, mechanism design and informational rents
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 146, 2011, Pages 2159-2164 (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2011.05.005)
Mediated Contracts and Mechanism Design
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 147(3), 2012, Pages 1280-1290 (doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2012.01.005)
Prizes and Lemons: Procurement of Innovation under Imperfect Commitment
RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 42(4), 2011, Pages 664–680
Partnership Dissolution, Complementarity, and Investment Incentives
Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 62. 2010, Pages 529- 552
Signal-Jamming in a Sequential Auction
Economics Letters, Vol. 108(1), 2010, Pages 58- 61
Auctions and Corruption: An Analysis of Bid Rigging by a Corrupt Auctioneer
Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Vol. 34, 2010, Pages 1872–1892
Research Joint Ventures, Optimal Licensing and R&D Subsidy Policy
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Vol.8, 2008, Article 20
Price Formation in a sequential selling mechanism
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 67, 2008, Pages 823- 843
Revenue Equivalence Revisited
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 64, 2008, Pages 171- 192
Efficient Tournaments within Teams
RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 40(1), 2009, Pages 103- 119
Robustness of Bidder Preferences Among Auction Institutions
Economic Inquiry, Vol. 46(3), 2008, Pages 355–368
Corruption in Procurement Auctions
Dimitri, N. and G. Piga and G. Spagnolo (eds.), Handbook of Procurement: Theory and Practice for Managers, Cambridge University Press, 2006, Pages 412- 429
Procurement of Goods and Services. Scope and Government
S. Qi and X. Li (eds.), Corporate Governance, Firm Performance and Economic Growth, Economic Science Press, 2006
Comparative Study of One-Bid versus Two-Bid Auctions
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 54(4), 2004, Pages 109- 131
Please, Marry Me! An Experimental Study of Risking a Joint Venture
Metroeconomica, Vol. 55(1), 2004, Pages 1–21
Entry Fees and Endogenous Entry in Electronic Auctions
Electronic Markets, Vol. 14(3), 2004
Bidder Preferences among Auction Institutions
Economic Inquiry, Vol. 42, 2004, Pages 223- 236
Experimental Internet Auctions with Random Information Retrieval
Experimental Economics, 2006, Volume 9, Number 4, 323-341
Efficient (Re-)Scheduling: An Auction Approach
Economics Letters, Vol. 89(2), 2005, Pages 187- 192
Procurement Experiments with Unknown Costs of Quality
Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 11(2), 2006, Pages 133–148
Bidding Behavior in Asymmetric Auctions: An Experimental Study
European Economic Review, Vol. 49(7), 2005, Pages 1891- 1913
On Some Auction Rules for Amicable Divorce in Equal Share Partnerships
T. Beschorner and T. Eger (eds.), Das Ethische in der Ökonomie: Festschrift für Hans Nutzinger, Metropolis Verlag, 2005, Pages 199- 212
Procurement with Costly Bidding, Optimal Short Listing, and Rebates
Economics Letters, Vol. 98(3), 2008, Pages 327- 334
License Auctions with Royalty Contracts for (Winners and) Losers
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 63(1), 2008, Pages 91- 106
Do Individuals Recognize Cascade Behavior of Others? - An Experimental Study
Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 29(2), 2008, Pages 197- 209
Immediate Demand Reduction in Simultaneous Ascending Bid Auctions: A Uniqueness Result
Economic Theory, Vol. 29(3), 2006, Pages 721- 726
How to allocate R&D (and other) Subsidies: An Experimentally tested Policy Recommendation
Research Policy, Vol. 35(9), 2006, Pages 1261- 1272
Effizienzsteigerung bei der FuE-Projektförderung durch wettbewerbliche Vergabeverfahren unter Berücksichtigung des Nachfrageverhaltens der Unternehmen nach Fördermitteln
Gutachten für das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi), 2004
The Third Generation (UMTS) Spectrum License Auction in Germany
Illing, G. and U. Klüh (eds.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 2004, Pages 223- 246
together with A6
A8 - Strategische Erzeugung und Weitergabe von Informationen
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs
Journal of Economic Theory 159 (2015) 531-551
Theoretical Economics 10 (2015) 175–202
Deadlines in Stochastic Contests
Journal of Mathematical Economics 52 (2014) 134–142
Strategic Learning in Teams
Games and Economic Behavior 82 (2013) 636–657
Gambling in Contests
Journal of Economic Theory 148 (2013) 2033–2048
Rational Exuberance
European Economic Review 56 (2012) 1220–1240
Four Essays on Imperfect Competition: Strategic Information Acquisition, Product Choice under Government Regulation, and Forward Trading
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Munich, 2010
Learning and Experimentation in Strategic Bandit Problems
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Munich, 2010
Experimentation in Two-Sided Markets
To appear in Journal of the European Economic Association
The Importance of Being Honest
To appear in Theoretical Economics
Strategic Experimentation with Poisson Bandits
Theoretical Economics 5 (2010) 275-311
Negatively Correlated Bandits
Review of Economic Studies 78 (2011) 693-732
Strategic Experimentation with Exponential Bandits
Econometrica 73 (2005) 39–68
Screening and Merger Activity
Journal of Industrial Economics 58 (2010) 794-817
The Choice of Prices vs. Quantities under Uncertainty
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18 (2009) 1155-1177
Modelling Tacit Collusion in Auctions
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 164 (2008) 163-184
A9 - Symbolische Werte und die Governance von Institutionen
Optimal top marginal tax rates under income splitting for couples
European Economic Review 56 (2012), 1055-1069
Work norms and the welfare state
CESifo Economic Studies 58 (2012), 599-625
Work norms, social insurance and the allocation of talent
Journal of Public Economics 107 (2013), 79-92
Lifetime earnings inequality in Germany
Journal of Labor Economics, forthcoming
Income inequality and self-reported values
The Journal of Economic Inequality (2013): 1-23
A note on the taxation of couples under income uncertainty
FinanzArchiv 69 129-134 -
Effective taxation of top incomes in Germany
German Economic Review 14, 115-137 -
A10 - Mehrdimensionale Anreizprobleme, Delegation und Kommunikation
Keine Einträge in diesem Bereich.
B3 - Unternehmenskontrolle, Unternehmensfinanzierung und endogener technischer Fortschritt
Public-Good Provision in a Large Economy
Preprint 2010/02, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, R&R for Econometrica, 2010
Fallacies, Irrelevant Facts and Myths in the Discussion of Capital Regulation: Why Bank Equity is Not Expensive, Rock Center for Corporate Governance
Stanford University Working Paper No. 86, Stanford Graduate School of Business Research Paper No. 2063, Preprint, No. 2010/42 Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, September 2010
Binary Payment Schemes: Moral Hazard and Loss Aversion
American Economic Review, Vol. 100(5), December 2010, pp. 2451-2477
Incentive Problems with Unidimensional Hidden Characteristics: A Unified Approach
Econometrica, Vol. 78(4), July 2010, pp. 1201-1237
Systemic Risk in the Financial Sector: An Analysis of the Subprime-Mortgage Financial Crisis
De Economist, Vol. 157, 2009, pp. 129-207
Incomplete Contracts and Excludable Public Goods
Journal of Public Economics, accepted for publication
Optimal Democratic Mechanisms for Income Taxation and Public Good Provision
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 94, 2010, pp. 453-466
The Impact of Firm Entry Regulation on Long- living Entrants
Small Business Economics, in press, June 2010
Corporate Governance and Incentive Contracts: Historical Evidence from a Legal Reform
Explorations in Economic History, Kind of outlet: Scientific journals, 2009
Strategic Information Disclosure and Competition for an Imperfectly Protected Innovation
Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 58(2), June 2010, pp. 349-372
Optimal Income Taxation and Public Good Provision with Endogenous Interest Groups
Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 11(2), April 2009, pp. 311–342
Switzerland and Euroland: European Monetary Union, Monetary Stability and Financial Stability
The Swiss National Bank 1907-2007, July 2007, pp. 741-
The Role of Liquidity and Implicit Guarantees in the German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 28, 2009, pp. 1-25
A Reconsideration of the Jensen-Meckling Model of Outside Finance
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 18(4), October 2009, pp. 495-525
The Role of Boundary Solutions in Principal-Agent Problems of the Holmström-Milgrom Type
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 136(1), September 2007, pp. 446-475
Netting in Interconnector Auctions
Energy Journal, Vol. 28(1), 2007, pp. 113-144
Private Damage Claims and the Passing-On Defense in Horizontal Price-Fixing Cases: An Economist’s Perspective
J. Basedow (ed.), Private Enforcement in EC Competition Law, Kluwer Law International, Den Haag, 2007, pp. 121-159
The Undesirability of Randomized Income Taxation under Decreasing Risk Aversion
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(3-4), April 2007, pp. 791-
Effizienz oder Wettbewerbsfreiheit? Zur normativen Grundlegung der Wettbewerbspolitik
Christoph Engel and Wernhard Möschel (eds.): Recht und spontane Ordnung, Festschrift für Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker zum 80. Geburtstag, Baden-
Baden, Nomos, 2008
The Provision and Pricing of Excludable Public Goods: Ramsey-Boiteux Pricing versus Bundling
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(3-4), April 2007, pp. 511-
Braucht Deutschland eine 'private starke deutsche Bank'? Ueber die Notwendigkeit nationaler Champions im Bankwesen
Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 39(2), 2006, pp. 163-181
The Organization of Regulateg Production: Complementarities, Correlation and Collusion
International Journal of Industrial Organzation, Vol. 26(1), January 2008, pp. 327-353
Information Aqusition and Strategic Disclosure in Oligopoly
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 17(1), January 2008, pp. 113-148
Cost and Benefits from Infrastructure Competition. Estimating Welfare Effects from Broadband Access Competition
Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 31(6-7), July 2007, pp. 401-
Demand for storage of natural gas in north-western Europe. Trends 2005-2030
Energy Policy, Vol. 35(10), 2007, pp. 5206-5219
with Madjid Kuebler
Elitemodell Wartburg?
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft (ed.), Eine (un)endliche Geschichte? Beiträge zur Föderalismusdiskussion, Villa-Hügel-
Gespräch 2004, 2005, pp. 16-
Market Discipline, Information Processing, and Corporate Governance
K.J. Hopt, E. Wymeersch, H. Kanda, H. Baum (eds.), Corporate Governance in Context: Corporations, States, and Markets in European, Japan, and the US, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 379-402
Netzwettbewerb durch Regulierung
U. Leprich, H. Georgi, E. Evers (eds.), Strommarktliberalisierung durch Netzregulierung, Energierecht und Energiewirtschaft Bd. 4, Berlin, Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, Vol. 4, 2004, pp. 29-43
Managerbereicherung gibt es überall
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, May 2005, Nr. 18, S. 47
An Agenda for a Growing Europe
Oxford University Press, March 2004
The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks – A Role Model for Germany?
DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, 2006
On the Long-Run Evolution of Technological Knowledge
Economic Theory, 2007, Vol. 30(1), pp. 171–180
The Privatization of Italian Savings Banks - A Role Model for Germany?
DIW Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung), Vol. 74(4), 2005, pp. 32-50
Selling Reputation when Going Out of Business
International Economic Review, 2006
The Relation between Real Wages and Employment: An Intertemporal General-Equilibrium Approach
German Economic Review, Vol. 5(3), August 2004, pp. 263-295
Reply to Thomas Ferguson and Peter Temin's Comment on The German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of Economic History, Volume: 64(3), September 2004, pp. 877-878
The German Twin Crisis of 1931
Journal of Economic History, Volume: 64(3), September 2004, pp. 822-871
Banks as Delegated Risk Managers
Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 28(10), October 2004, pp. 2399-2426
Nonlinear Incentive Provision in Walrasian Markets: A Cournot Convergence Approach
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 120(1), January 2005, pp. 1-38
Monopoly Prices versus Ramsey-Boiteux Prices: Are they ‘‘Similar,’’ and: Does it Matter?
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 6(1), 2006, pp. 27-44
How Do Official Bailouts Affect the Risk of Investing in Emerging Markets?
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Volume: 38(7), October 2006, pp. 1689-1714
Braucht Deutschland eine private starke deutsche Bank? Über die Notwendigkeit nationaler Champions im Bankwesen
Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 39(2), 2006, 163-181
Liquidity and Contagion: The Crisis of 1763
Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 2(6), 2004, pp. 929-968
A utilitarian Approach to the provision and pricing of excludable public goods
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 89(11-12), December 2005, pp. 1981-
Konsistenzgebot im neuen TKG: Anforderungen und Zielkonflikte
MultiMedia und Recht, Beilage, Vol. 6, June 2005, pp. 6-8
From Poverty Measurement to the Measurement of Downside Risk
Mathematical Social Sciences, 2004, Vol. 47(3), pp. 327–348
Ramsey-Boiteux-Preise und Monopolpreise - zu einigen verbreiteten Missverständnissen
Netzwirtschaft & Recht, 2005
A Contribution to the Theory of Optimal Utilitarian Income Taxation
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(7-8), August 2007, pp. 1449-
together with A1
An Economic Approach to Article 82
Competition Policy International , Volume: 2(1), 2006, Pp 111 - 154
B4 - Die Gestaltung von Turnieren im Rahmen der Corporate Governance
Externalities in Recruiting
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - forthcoming
Gender Differences in Competition and Sabotage
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, forthcoming
Optimal Seedings in Elimination Tournaments Revisited
Economic Theory Bulletin, forthcoming
Bonus Pools and the Informativeness Principle
European Economic Review, forthcoming
Social Ties and Subjective Performance Evaluations, An Empirical Investigation
Review of Managerial Science, 2013, 7 (2), 141-157
Information Policy in Tournaments with Sabotage
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2013, 115, p. 932-966
Management Changes, Reputation, and "Big Bath"-Earnings Management
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 2013, forthcoming
Tournaments with Gaps
Economics Letters (forthcoming)
Sabotage in Teams
Economics Letters 115 (2012), 289-292
Shutdown Contests in Multi-Plant Firms
Review of Managerial Science (forthcoming)
Risk Taking and Investing in Electoral Competition
European Journal of Political Economy (forthcoming)
Internal Labor Markets and Worker Rents
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 84 (2012), 491-509 (with Anja Schöttner)
On the Virtues of Hiring Lemons
Managerial and Decision Economics 33 (2013), 475-484
Journal of Sports Economics (forthcoming)
Dismissal Tournaments
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 168 (2012), 547-562
Repeated moral hazard and contracts with memory: A laboratory experiment
Games and Economic Behavior, 2012, 75 (2), p. 1000; 1008
Sabotage in Dynamic Tournaments
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 46(2), March 2010, pp. 179-190
Optimal Tournament Contracts for Heterogeneous Workers
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 75(2), August 2010, pp. 180-191
Technology choice, relative performance pay, and worker heterogeneity
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2010, Vol. 76 (3), pp. 748-758
Minimum Wages and Excessive Effort Supply
Economics Letters, 2010, Vol. 108 (3), pp. 341-344
Technology Adoption under Hidden Information
Journal of Economics, 2010, Vol. 100 (1), 1-18
Rent Seeking, Employment Security and Works Councils: Theory and Evidence for Germany
Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 62, pp. 2-40, January 2010
On the Choice of Risk and Effort in Tournaments - Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy , 2010, 19 (3), p. 811; 840
Promotion Tournaments and Individual Performance Pay
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 699–731, 2010
Risk-Taking in Tournaments -Theory and Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economic Psychology , Vol 31(3), Jun 2010, 254-268
Hostile takeover and costly merger control
Public Choice, 2009, Vol. 141 (3), pp. 371-389
Double-Sided Moral Hazard, Efficiency Wages and Litigation
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2010, Vol. 26 (2), pp. 337-364
Variance analysis and linear contracts in agencies with
Management Accounting Research, 2009, Vol. 20 (3), pp. 166-176
On the Inefficiency of Merger Control
Economic Letters, 2009, Vol. 102 (1), pp. 53-55
The Effect of Reputation on Selling Prices in Auctions
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und statistik, 2008, Vol. 228 (4), pp. 345-356
Information in tournaments under limited liability
Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 45 (1-2), January 2009, pp. 59-
Preemption in Rank-Order Tournaments
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 2008, Vol. 77 (12), pp. 1293-1314
On Sabotage in Collective Tournaments
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2008, Vol. 44 (3-4), pp. 383-
Should You Allow Your Employee to Become Your Competitor? - On Non-Compete Agreements in Employment Contracts
International Economic Review, 2008, Vol. 50 (1), pp. 117-141
Emotions and the Optimality of Uneven Tournaments
Review of Managerial Science, 2008, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 61-79
Doping and Cheating in Contest-Like Situations
European Journal of Political Economy, 2007, Vol. 23 (4), December 2007, pp. 988-1006
On the Adverse Selection of Technologies
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2008, Vol. 164 (2), pp. 343-355
Human Capital Investments in Asymmetric Corporate Tournaments
Journal of Economics and Business, 2007, Vol. 60 (4) pp. 312-331
Sabotage in Corporate Contests - An Experimental Analysis
International Journal of the Economics of Business, 2007, Vol.14 (3), pp. 367-392
Tournaments versus Piece Rates under Limited Liability
International Journal of Business and Economics, 2006, Vol. 5 (3), pp. 185-199
On Delegation under Relational Contracts
International Journal of the Economics of Business, Vol. 15 (1), 2008, pp. 85-98
Performance Measurement Technologies and the Trade-off of Risk and Incentives
International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 6 (1), 2007, pp. 1-10
Emotions and Compensation
Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 60, April 2008
Optimal Risk Taking in an Uneven Tournament Game with Risk Averse Players
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2008, Vol. 44 (11), pp. 1219-1231
Distorted Performance Measurement and Relational Contracts
Schmalenbach Business Review, 2008, Vol. 60 (3), pp. 251-273
Preemptive Behavior in Sequential-Move Tournaments with Heterogeneous Agents
Economics of Governance, Volume: 6, 2005, Pp 245-252
An Empirical Study on Risk Taking in Tournaments
Applied Economics Letters, Volume: 12, 2005, Pp 457-461
Collective contests with externalities: corrigendum
European Journal of Political Economy, Volume: 21(2), 2005, Pp 533-536
Are 18 holes enough for Tiger Woods?
Bulletin of Economic Research, 2006, Vol. 58 (3), pp. 267-284
Interindustry Wage Differentials and Industry-Wide Exit Rates of Firms
Applied Economics Quarterly, Volume: 50, 2004, Pp 165-182
Risk Taking in Asymmetric Tournaments
German Economic Review, Volume: 5, 2004, Pp 103-116
A Collective Tournament Under (un)limited Liability
Economic Issues, 2006, Vol. 11 (1), pp. 1-18
Helping and Sabotaging in Tournaments
International Game Theory Review, Volume: 7, 2005, Pp 211-228
A rationale for the coexistence of central and decentral marketing in team sports
German Economic Review, 2007, vol. 8, pages 89-106
On the Benefits of Withholding Knowledge in Organizations
International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume: 12, 2005, Pp 193-209
Strategic Delegation and Mergers in Oligopolistic Contests
Journal of Economics and Business, 2005, Vol. 58 (2), pp. 119-136
Envy and Compassion in Tournaments
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 14, 2005, Pp 187-207
Zur Reform der Professorenbesoldung in Deutschland
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Volume: 7, 2006, Pp 105-126
A Note on Revenue Sharing in Sports Leagues
Journal of Sports Economics, June 2007, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 309-316
Splitting Leagues
Journal of Economics, 2006, Vol. 88(1), pp. 21-48
Strategic Delegation in Oligopolistic Tournaments
Review of Economic Design, Vol. 9 (4), 2006, pp. 377-396
The Wage Policy of Firms - Comparative Evidence for the U.S. and Germany from Personnel Records
The International Journal of Human Resource Management , Volume: 16, 2005, Pp 104-119
Simultaneous- versus Sequential-Move Tournaments with Heterogeneous Agents
Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 58, October 2006
Managerial versus Entrepreneurial Firms: The Benefits of Separating Ownership and Control
Schmalenbach Business Review, Volume: 56 (1), 2004, Pp 2-19
Turniere in Unternehmen als Leistungsanreiz
Zeitschrift für Management, Volume: 4, 2004, Pp 2-5
R&D Spillovers and Strategic Delegation in Oligopolistic Contests
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 25, 2004, Pp 147-156
Oekonomische Analyse der Professorenbesoldungsreform in Deutschland
Wolfgang Franz, Hans Jürgen Ramser, Manfred Stadler (Hrsg.): Bildung, Tübingen, 2004, Pp 197-219
Emotions in Tournaments
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2007, Vol. 67 (1), pp. 204-214
B5 - Weltwirtschaftliche Integration und die neue Firmenorganisation
Individual Behavior as a Pathway Between Early-Life Shocks and Adult Health Outcomes: Evidence from Hunger Episodes in Post-War Germany
Economic Journal, forthcoming
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action: Hypothetical choices and real decisions in Medicare Part D
Journal of Health Economics, 32, 1313-1324 (2013)
Suit the Action to the Word, the Word to the Action: Hypothetical Choices and real Decisions in Medicare Part D
Journal of Health Economics 32 (2013), pp. 1313-1324
On the Use of Information in Repeated Insurance Markets
Journal of Risk and Insurance - forthcoming
When is FDI a Capital Flow?
accepted for publication in European Economic Review
Creditor Rights and Debt Allocation within Multinationals
Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 35(6), June 2011, pp. 1367-1379
Germany's Super Competitiveness - A Helping Hand from Eastern Europe
published her article at VOXEU, June 20 2010
FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry Level View
Berkeley Electronic Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 10(1), (Topics), July 2010
Who is Afraid of Political Risk? Multinational Firms and their Choice of Capital Structure
Journal of International Economics, Vol. 82(2), November 2010, pp. 208-218
Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership Structure
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 26(6), November 2008, pp. 1274-1289
Entry of Foreign Banks and their Impact on Host Countries
Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 36(3), September 2008, pp. 430-452
Business Groups in Emerging Markets - Financial Control and Sequential Investment
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Vol. 163(2), June 2007, pp. 336-355
Foreign Banks in Eastern Europe: Mode of Entry and Effects on Bank Interest Rates
Liebscher, Klaus, Christl, Josef, Mooslechner, Peter and Ritzberger-Grünwald, Doris (Eds.), Financial Development, Integration and Stability in Central, Evidence from Central, Eastern and South-
Eastern Europe, Edgar Elgar, November, 2006, pp. 305-
The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy
Harvard University Press, November 2008
Power Inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach
Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 6(4), June 2008, pp. 752–788
Technology Transfer and Spillovers in International Joint Ventures
Journal of International Economics, Vol. 68(2), March 2006, pp. 456-468
Product Standards, Trade Disputes, and Protectionism
Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 39(2), May 2006, pp. 564–581
Disorganization and Financial Collapse
European Economic Review, Vol. 49(2), February 2005, pp. 387-408
Foreign Banks in Eastern Europe: Mode of Entry and Effects on Bank Interest Rates
Austrian National Bank, European Economic Integration: Financial Development, Integration and Stability in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 2005
How Elections Matter: Theory and Evidence from Environmental Policy
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 121(4), November 2006, pp. 1249-1281
B7 - Globalisierung und der Anstieg der Vorstandsbezüge
Globalization and the Empowerment of Talent
Journal of International Economics, 86 (2), 209-223, 2012
When is FDI a Capital Flow?
European Economic Review, 55 (6), 845-861, 2011
The Opening Up of Eastern Europe at 20: Jobs, Skills, and 'Reverse Maquiladoras'
Handbook of International Economics, Vol. 2
Multinational banking in Europe: financial stabilitiy and regulatory implications - lessons from the financial crisis
Economic Policy, 2010, Vol. 25, Issue 64, pp. 703 - 753, ibid: pp. 746 – 750
Competing in Organizations: Firm Heterogeneity and International Trade
The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy, 142-172, Harvard University Press, 2008 (mit Th. Verdier)
Power in the Multinational Corporation in Industry Equilibrium
Economic Theory, 38(3), 437-464, 2008
Power Inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach
Journal of the European Economic Association, 6(4), 752-788, 2008
A New International Division of Labor in Europe: Outsourcing and Offshoring to Eastern Europe
Journal of the European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 2006.Reprint in: J. Winiecki (ed.): Competitiveness in New Europe, 122-136, Routledge, London and New York, 2008.
The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy
Book; Harvard University Press, 2008; (Eds. mit Elhanan Helpman und Thierry Verdier)
Per Capita Income, Market Access Costs, and Trade Volumes, 2012
Journal of International Economics 86(2), 284-294
Trade Liberalization and Welfare Inequality: a Demand-Based Approach
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2012, 144(4), 1296-1317
Preferences and Income Effects in Monopolistic Competition Models
Social Choice and Welfare: Volume 42, Issue 3 (2014), p. 647-669; March 2014
Per capita income and the extensive margin of bilateral trade
Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Trade Openness and Cross-country Income Differences
Review of International Economics, 23 (2), 271-302, 2015
Trade Costs, Conflicts, and Defense Spending
Journal of International Economics 95 (2), 305-318, 2015
Corporate Hierarchies and International Trade: Theory and Evidence
Journal of International Economics, 94 (2), 295-310, 2014
The Theory of the Firm goes Global
Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, Patrick Legros, and Luigi Zingales (eds.): The Impact of Incomplete Contracts on Economics, Oxford University Press, forthcoming
What Explains the Rise in Executive Pay in Germany? A Panel Data Analysis for 1977 – 2009
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming
B8 - Reputation in der Zertifizierungsindustrie
Extracting the Equity Premium from CDS Spreads
Journal of Derivatives, 21(1), 8--
‐26, 2013
A Certification Model for Regulatory Arbitrage: Will Regulatory Arbitrage persist under Basel III?
Journal of Fixed Income, Fall 2011, 39--
‐56, 2011
Bank lending relationships and the use of performance-sensitive Debt
2013 (working paper)
Does Contingent Capital Induce Excessive Risk--‐Taking and Prevent an Efficient Recapitalization of Banks
2013 (working paper)
The Term Structure of Risk Premia: Evidence from CDS Spreads
2013 (working paper)
The Determinants of the Sovereign CDS Volume
2012 (working paper)
Re--‐Mapping Credit Ratings
2013 (working paper)
Exploring the Performance of Government Debt Issuance
2013 (working paper)
Rating--‐Induced Default Risk and Downgrade Hesitation
2013 (working paper)
Loan Sales and the Use of Credit Derivatives by Banks: Evidence from Syndicated Loans
2013 (working paper)
C1 - Bankenregulierung, Credit Crunch und Prozyklizität
Streben Unternehmen nach ihrem optimalen Rating? Theorie und Evidenz vom deutschen Kapitalmarkt
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftslehre (ZfB), Volume: 75, October, 2005, Pp 919-946
JEL classification: G14, G30
Pflichtwandelanleihen: Bewertung und Aktienkursreaktion bei Emission
Die Betriebswirtschaft, Volume: 65, 2005, Pp 21-42
JEL classification: G12, G14, G30
Valuation of Convertible Bonds when Investors Act Strategically
Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Volume: 110, 2004
Keywords: Convertible bonds: markets, motives, and traditional valuation - General framework for the analysis of convertible bonds -
Optimal conversion strategies and valuation of convertible bonds at and before maturity -
Comparison of the results of three conver
JEL classification: G12, G13, G30
Optimal Exercise Strategies for Corporate Warrants
Quantitative Finance, Volume: 6, 2006, Pp 37-54
Keywords: Warrants, Exercise Strategy, Option Pricing, Financial Structure
JEL classification: G12,G13,G32
When Does Single-Source Versus Multiple-Source Lending Matter?
International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume: 2, January, 2006, Pp 19-48
Keywords: Economic equilibrium, Issues, Loans, Public finance
Optimal Debt Service: Straight vs. Convertible Debt
Schmalenbach Business Review, Volume: 58, April, 2006, Pp 124-151
Keywords: Convertible Consol Bond, Default Strategies
JEL classification: C72, G12, G32
Empirical Exercise Behavior of Warrant Holders and its Consequences for Warrant Values
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Volume: 9, March, 2006, Pp 245-268
Keywords: Early exercise; late exercise; option pricing; transaction costs; Monte Carlo simulation
JEL classification: G12, G13, G32
Bond Portfolio Optimization: A Risk-Return Approach
Journal of Fixed Income, Volume: 15, March, 2006, Pp 48-60
JEL classification: G11, G13
Bewertung von Anleihen bei potentieller Zahlungsunfähigkeit
Bank, M. Schiller, B. (eds.), Finanzintermediation - Theoretische, wirtschaftspolitische und praktische Aspekte aktueller Entwicklungen im Bank-
und Börsenwesen, Festschrift für Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gerke zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Schäffer-
, May, 2004, Pp 1-
JEL classification: G12, G13, G33
Banking Regulation and Financial Accelerators: A One-Period Model with Unlimited Liability
W. Franz, H.J. Ramser, M. Stadler (eds.): Funktionsfähigkeit und Stabilität von Finanzmärkten, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren, Mohr Siebeck, Volume: 34, 2005, Pp 183-210
JEL classification: G21, G28
Hedging Long-Term Forwards with Short-Term Futures - A Two-Regime Approach
Review of Derivatives Research, Volume: 7, December, 2004, Pp 185-212
Keywords: long-term forwards -
hedging -
Metallgesellschaft case -
regime pricing
JEL classification: G13, G30
When Does Single-Source Versus Multiple-Source Lending Matter?
International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume: 2, January, 2006, Pp 19-48
Keywords: Economic equilibrium, Issues, Loans, Public finance
Bewertung von Anleihen bei potentieller Zahlungsunfähigkeit
Bank, M. Schiller, B. (eds.), Finanzintermediation - Theoretische, wirtschaftspolitische und praktische Aspekte aktueller Entwicklungen im Bank-
und Börsenwesen, Festschrift für Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gerke zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Schäffer-
, May, 2004, Pp 1-
JEL classification: G12, G13, G33
Valuation of Bond Illiquidity. An Option-Theoretical Approach
Journal of Fixed Income, Volume: 16, 2007, Pp 81-107
Do good or bad borrowers pledge more collateral?
International Journal of Managerial Finance, Volume: 3, 2007, Pp 132-163
C2 - Intellektuelles Eigentum, Aneignung von Innovationserträgen und Innovationswettbewerb
The Economics of Pending Patents
in: J. Harrington and Y. Katsoulacos (eds.), Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation, Edward Elgar (2012)
Digital Piracy: Theory
in: M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, Oxford University Press, 547-571 (2012)
Upstream Market Power and Wasteful Retailers
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 234-253 (2013)
Innovation and Waste in Supply Chain Management
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 86, 191-199 (2013)
Indirect Taxation in Vertical Oligopoly
forthcoming in Journal of Industrial Economics
Competition under Consumer Loss Aversion
forthcoming in Rand Journal of Economics
The Impact of Different Fibre Access Network Technologies on Cost, Competition and Welfare
Telecommunications Policy 36, 96-112 (2012)
Market Asymmetries and Investments in Next Generation Access Networks
Review of Network Economics 11(1), 1-25 (2012)
Network Investment, Access and Competition
Telecommunications Policy 36, 407-418 (2012)
Media Market Concentration, Advertising Levels, and Ad Prices
International Journal of Industrial Organization 30(conference volume), 321-325 (2012)
Informing Consumers about their own Preferences
International Journal of Industrial Organization 30, 417-428 (2012)
The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy
Oxford University Press (2012)
Der Ausbau neuer Netze in der Telekommunikation - institutionelle, ökonomische und juristische Betrachtungen (in German)
Nomos Verlag (2012)
Knowledge Recombination across Technological Boundaries: Scientists vs. Engineers”
Management Science (accepted for publication)
The Market Value of R&D, Patents and Trademarks
Available at SSRN:, (Revise and Resubmit vom 09.02.2010, Research Policy)
Invention Processes and Knowledge Recombination across Technological Boundaries
unpublished manuscript, University of Munich, (2. Revise and Resubmit vom 17.01.2011, Management Science)
Incidence and Growth of Patent Thickets - The Impact of Technological Opportunities and Complexity
CEPR Discussion Paper 6900, London, (Revise and Resubmit vom 25.01.2009, Journal of Industrial Economics) (accepted for publication)
Authorized Generic Entry prior to Patent Expiry: Reassessing Incentives for Independent Generic Entry
LMU Discussion Papers in Economics 2010-23
Jostling for Advantage or Not: Choosing Between Patent Portfolio Races and Ex-ante Licensing
Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Vol.73(2), pp.225-245
How to Measure Patent Thickets - A Novel Approach
Economics Letters, Vol.111(1), pp. 6-9
Patents and the Survival of Internet-related NASDAQ-IPOs
Research and Policy, 2010, Vol.39(2), pp. 214-228
The Effects of Entrepreneurship Education
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 76, Issue 1, October 2010, Pages 90-112
Managerial Succession and Organizational Performance
Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming
Returns to Private Equity - Idiosyncratic Risk Does Matter!
Review of Finance, forthcoming
Reform der Einschränkung der Urheberrechte in Lehre und Forschung — Abschätzung von Zahlungsbereitschaften für flexibleren Zugang zu studienrelevanter Literatur
zfbf - Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 857-
880, December 2009
The duration of patent examination at the European Patent Office
Management Science 2009, Vol. 55, No. 12, pp. 1969-1984
Patent Validation at the Country Level - The Role of Fees and Translation Costs
Research Policy 2009, Volume 38, No. 9, pp. 1423-1437
The Economics of Knowledge Regulation: An Empirical Analysis of Knowledge Flows
R&D Management 2010, 40(3), p. 300-309
Patent Thickets, Licensing and Innovative Performance
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2010, 19 (3): 899-925
The Influence of Strategic Patenting on Companies' Patent Portfolios
Research Policy, 2009, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p428-436
Benefits of Control, Capital Structure and Company Growth
Applied Economics, 2008, Vol. 40 Issue 21, p2721-2734
How Does Owners' Exposure to Idiosyncratic Risk Influence the Capital Structure of Private Companies?
Journal of Empirical Finance, 2008, Vol. 15 Issue 2, p185-198
Institutionalized Incentives for Ingenuity - Patent Value and the German Employees' Invention Act
Research Policy 2007, Volume 36, No. 8, pp. 1143-1162
Platform Ownership
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2007, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p1130-1160
Everything you always wanted to know about inventors (but never asked): Evidence from the PatVal-EU survey
CEPR Discussion Paper No. 5752, Research Policy, 2006
accepted for publication
The Importance of Equity Finance for R&D Activity: Are there Differences between Young and Old Companies?
Small Business Economics, 2009, Vol. 33 Issue 3, p303-318
Tracing Mobile Inventors - The Causality between Inventor Mobility and Inventor Productivity
Research Policy 2007, Volume 36, No. 5, pp. 619-636
Internationale Trends der Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik
ZEW Wirtschaftsanalysen, Baden-Baden, 2004
The Internalisation of Young High-Tech Firms
ZEW Economic Studies, Heidelberg/New York, 2004
Is silence Golden? Patents versus Secrecy at the Firm Level
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2006, Vol. 15 Issue 8, p735-752
Project Choice and Risk in R&D
Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume: 53(1), March, 2005, Pp 53-81
Technologietransfer im Vergleich - Eine Fallstudie
Wissenschaftsmanagement , Volume: 6, 2004, Pp 12 - 17
Managerial Ownership and Company Performance in German Small and Medium - Sized Private Enterprises
German Economic Review, 2006, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p233-247
Optimal Patent Length and Height, Empirica
Empirica, 2008, Volume 35, Issue 3, p 233-240
C3 - Innovationen in Informationstechnologien und Regulierung von Finanzmärkten
Optimal Risk Taking and Information Policy to Avoid Currency and Liquidity Crises
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 161 (3), 2005, Pp 374-391
Keywords: coordination game, multiple lenders, private information, public information, speculative attacks, transparency
JEL classification: D82, F31, G33
Die Theorie globaler Spiele: Private Information als Mittel zur Vermeidung multipler Gleichgewichte
Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, Volume: 55 (3), 2005, Pp 209-241
Keywords: global games, Informationspolitik, Koordinationsspiele, multiple Gleichgewichte, Netzwerkeffekte, private Information, öffentliche Information, refinements, spekulative Attacken
JEL classification: C72, D82, E58
Geldpolitik in den USA - Die Fed in der Zinsfalle?
ifo Schnelldienst, Volume: 6, 2004
Nachfragestimulierung statt Strukturreform - mit gebührenfreiem Rezept aus der deutschen Krise?
HWWA Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Volume: 84 (3), March, 2004
The Theory of Global Games on Test: Experimental Analysis of Coordination Games with Public and Private Information
Econometrica , Volume: 72 (5), 2004, Pp 1583-1599
Keywords: Coordination game, global game, payoff dominance, private information, public information, risk dominance, speculative attack, strategic uncertanity
JEL classification: C72, C91, D82, E58
CESifo Economic Studies
CESifo Economic Studies, 2004
Financial Fragility, Bubbles, and Monetary Policy
Hans-Werner Sinn, Mika Widgrén and Marko Köthenbürger: European Monetary Integration; The MIT Press, 2004, Pp 141-
Asset Prices and Monetary Policy, Comment on: Carsten Detken, Frank Smets: Asset Price Booms and Monetary Policy
Horst Siebert: Macroeconomic Policies in the World Economy, 2004
Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications
The MIT Press, January, 2004
The Chopstick Auction: A Study of the Exposure Problem in Multi-Unit Auctions
EEA Conference, August, 2004
A Model of Delegation in Contests
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society, March, 2005
Keywords: Strategic Delegation; Rent Seeking; Arms Races; Distributional Conflict
JEL classification: D72, D73, D4, P16
Optimal Contracts under Inequity Aversion
Personal Oekonomisches Kolloquium, March, 2005
Keywords: Contract theory; linear contracts; incentives; sufficient statistics result; inequity aversion
JEL classification: D23, D63, J31, J33, M12, Z13
Optimal Degree of Public Information Dissemination
Economic Journal, forthcoming
Publicité limitée de l’information et sur-réaction aux annonces lors des épisodes spéculatifs
Revue Économique, Volume: 57(3), 2006, Pp 399-405
Wage Indexation and Monetary Policy, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Volume: 162(3), 2006, Pp 486-504
A Survey on Moral Hazard, Contracts, and Social Preferences
in Psychology, Rationality and Economic Behaviour: Challenging Standard Assumptions, Editors: Bina Agarwal and Alessandro Vercelli, 2005
The Optimal Regulation of Product Quality under Monopoly
Economics Bulletin, Volume: 12(13), 2006, Pp 1-4
Understanding the Digital Economy
MIT Press Cambridge, Juni, 2006
Ansteckungseffekte in einer Zinsfalle
2005, Pp 215-234
Revival of Aggregate Demand Policies
Revival of Aggregate Demand Policies, Volume: 51, 2005, Pp 495-507
Vermögenspreise und Konsum
Vermögenspreise und Konsum, Volume: 6, Februar, 2005
C4 - Experimentelle Analyse von rationalen und beschränkt rationalen Theorien des Marktverhaltens
Herding with and without Payoff Externalities - An Internet Experiment
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 25, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 391-415
together with A5
GLAD: A simple adaptive strategy that yields cooperation in dilemma games
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume: 200, 2005, Pp 133-138
Interactive Unawareness
Journal of Economic Theory, 2005
Why People Reject Advantageous Offers – Non-monotone Strategies in Ultimatum Bargaining (Evaluating a Video Experiment Run in PR China)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2006
Keywords: ultimatum game, video experiments, strategy method, content analysis, non-monotonic strategies, social preferences
JEL classification: C78, C81, C91, C92, F00, O53, O5
Learning to Like What You Have - Explaining the Endowment Effect
Economic Journal, Volume: 115, 2005, Pp 689-702
Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets - An Internet Experiment
American Economic Review, Volume: 95(5), 2005, Pp 1403-1426
Neutral versus Loaded Instructions in a Bribery Experiment
Experimental Economics, 2005
Learning Direction Theory and the Winner’s Curse
Experimental Economics, Volume: 8, 2005, Pp 5-20
Keywords: experimental economics, learning, individual decision making
JEL classification: C91, D81, D83
In Search of Workers' Real Effort Reciprocity - A Field and A Laboratory Experiment
Journal of the European Economic Association, June, 2008
Herding and Contrarian Behavior in Financial Markets: An Internet Experiment
American Economic Review, Volume: 95(5), 2005, Pp 1403-1426
together with A5
C5 - Wettbewerbspolitik als Steuerung von Wettbewerbsprozessen
Vertical Integration under Credit Constraints
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2014, vol. 12(2), 337-367, 2014
On Platforms, Incomplete Contracts, and Open Source Software
International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming
For-Profit Search Platforms
International Economic Review, forthcoming
Breaking Up a Research Consortium
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31, 342-353, 2013
Globalization and Multiproduct Firms
International Economic Review, forthcoming
Vertical Relations under Credit Constraints
Journal of the European Economic Review, forthcoming
Merger Policy with Merger Choice
American Economic Review, 103, 1006-1033 (2013)
Merger Policy with Merger Choice
American Economic
Review, 2013, vol. 103(2), 1006-1033
Regulation and Investment in Network Industries: Evidence from European Telecoms
Journal of Law and Economics, accepted for publication
Finitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma Experiments without a Commonly Known End
International Journal of Game Theory, accepted for publication
Infinity in the Lab. How Do People Play Repeated Games?
Theory and Decision, accepted for Publication
Dynamic Merger Review
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 118, No. 6 (December 2010) (pp. 1201-1251)
Product Market Competition and Lobbying Coordination in the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade, 2007 (7), 9-29
Vertical Merger, Collusion, and Disruptive Buyers
International Journal of Industrial Organization, April 2010, 350-
Competition for Scarce Resources
RAND Journal of Economics, September 2010, 524-548
Advance-Purchase Discounts as a Price Discrimination Device
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 146(1), pages 141-162
Measuring the Deterrence Effect of Competition Policy: The Competition Policy Indexes
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 2011, 7 (1): 165-204
Can China benefit from adopting a binding emissions target?
Energy Policy, Vol. 38 (7), pp. 3763–3770
Learning Dynamics in Research Alliances: A Panel Data Analysis
Research Policy, Vol.39 (6), pp.776-789
A model of technological breakthrough in the renewable energy sector
Ecological Economics, Vol.69 (2), 435-444
Regulatory Entry Barriers and Entrants' Performance
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, in: Audretsch D., Falck O., Heblich S., Publisher:Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming
How Does Entry Regulation Influence Entry into Self-employment and Occupational Mobility?
Economics of Transition, 2009, pp.769-802
The Political Economy of Mobile Telecommunications Liberalization: Evidence from the OECD Countries
Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol.38 (2), pp.199-216
The Impact of Horizontal Mergers on Rivals: Gains to Being Left Outside a Merger
Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming (2009)
Lending Decisions of Cooperative Banks, Private Credit Banks and Savings Banks: An Empirical Analysis of Subsidized Loans for Young and Small Firms
Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch -
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften), pp. 83-
132, (2009)
A Short Overview of a Methodology for the Ex-Post Review of Merger Control Decisions
De Economist, 2008, vol. 156 (4), pp.453-475
Welfare in Differentiated Oligopolies with more than Two Firms
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol.27 (4), pp. 501-507
Lending by Cooperative Banks, Private Credit Banks and Saving Banks: An Emirical Analysis of Subsidized Loans for Young and Small Firms
Schmollers Jahrbuch - Zeitshrift für Wirtschafts-
und Sozialwissenschaften (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies), vol. 129 (1), pp. 83-
The Effects of Entry on Incumbent Innovation and Productivity
The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 91(1), pp. 20-32
Domestic Rivalry and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from International Airline Markets
Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 42(2), pages 440-468
Settle for Now but Block for Tomorrow: The Deterrence Effects of Merger Policy Tools
Journal of Law and Economics, 2009, vol. 52, issue 3, pages 607-634
Buyers' Alliances for Bargaining Power
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume: 13(4), 2004, Pp 731 - 754
All Equilibria of the Vickrey Auction
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume: 114, 2004, Pp 170 - 177
Market Conduct and Endogenous Lobbying: Evidence from the U.S. Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 2006
Weniger und effektiv: Ökonomische Prüfverfahren könnten die EU - Beihilfenkontrolle stärken
WZB Mitteilungen, Volume: 111, March, 2006, Pp 27-31
The impact of ISO 9000 Diffusion on Trade and FDI: A New Institutional Analysis
Journal of International Business Studies 39(4): 613-633 (2008)
Noch nicht Optimal: Die Wirkung von Auflagen in EU- Fusionskontollverfahren
WZB Mittelungen, Volume: 110, December, 2005, Pp 28-31
Why Firms form (or don’t form) RJVs
Economic Journal, Vol 117, Issue 522, pp. 112-1144, 2007
The Impact of the New Substantive Test in European Merger Control
European Competition Journal, Vol. 2 (1), April 2006 , pp. 9-28(20)
Efficiency Gains from Mergers
European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defense, Edward Elgar, 2006
Merger Remedies
S. Vogt, M. Albert and D. Schmidtchen(eds.):The More Economic Approach to European Competition Law, Conferences on the New Political Economy 24, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, Tübingen, 2007, Pp 255-266
Der ökonomische Ansatz in der europäischen Wettbewerbspolitik
Monopolkommission: Zukunftsperspektiven der Wettbewerbspolitik, Nomos Verlag (ed.), Colloquium anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Monopolkommission, 2005
EU Merger Remedies: An Empirical Assessemt
J. Stennek and V. Ghosal Eds., The political Economy of Antitrust, Contributions to Economic Analysis, North-Holland, forthcoming
Complementarity in Innovation Policy
European Economic Review, Volume: 49, August, 2005, Pp 1431 - 1450
JEL classification: L5, 031, 038
Ökonomische Analyse in der EU Wettbewerbspolitik
Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 11. Internationales Kartellrechtsforums, St. Gallen, Helbing & Lichtenhanh, Band 6, 2005
Ökonomische Analyse des Begriffs "significant impediment to effective competition"
Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed.), 2006
Economic Analysis and Competition Policy Enforcement in Europe
Modelling European Mergers: Theory, Competition and Case Studies, Edward Elgar, 2005
Analyse von Abhilfemaßnahmen im EU-Fusionsverfahren
J. Schwarze (ed.): Recht und Ökonomie im Europäischen Wettbewerbsrecht, Vol. 318. Baden Baden: Nomos, 2006, 71-83.
European State Aid Control: an economic framework
The Economics of Competition Law, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, forthcoming
Export Orientation and Domestic Merger Policy: Theory and Some Empirical Evidence
Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume: 38(3), 2005, Pp 778-806
Keywords: merger-policy, international-
effects, open-
JEL classification: L40, L00
On the Workings of a Cartell: Evidence from Norwegian Cement Industry
American Economic Review, Volume: 96(1), 2006, Pp 321-338
Industry Trade-Balance and Domestic Merger Policy: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Merger Policy for Manufacturing Sectors
Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume: 23(3), July, 2005, Pp 404-415
JEL classification: L40, F10
The Office of the Chief Competition Economist
Global Competition Review, June, 2005
The Transatlantic Antitrust Dialogue
Current Competition Law, The British Institut of International and Comparative Law, Volume: 3, 2005, Pp 142-152
Editors' Introduction
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 665-668
Consumer Surplus vs. Welfare Standard in a Political Economy Model of Merger Control
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume: 23, 2005, Pp 829-848
Bundling of Social and Private Goods and the Soft Budget Constraint
Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume: 33(1), March, 2005, Pp 47 - 58
Provision of Social Goods and Soft Budget Constraints
Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume: 33(1), March, 2005, Pp 47 - 58
Keywords: Dynamic Efficiency, Transitional Economy, Soft Budget Constraint, Social Goods, Subsidy
JEL classification: L13, L30
The Political Economy of European Merger Control: Evidence Using StockMarket Data
Journal of Law and Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 50, pages 455-489
Keywords: Merger Control, Event Studies, Lobbying, EU
JEL classification: L4, K21, C12, C1
Endogenous Costs and Price-Cost Margins
Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 54 (3), pp.351-368
Entry and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Microlevel Panel Data
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), April-
May, 2004, Pp 265-
JEL classification: L5, L10, O31, O4
A Political Economy Model of Infrastructure Allocation: An Empirical Assement
Journal of Public Economics, Volume: 90(6-7), 2006, Pp 1133-
The International Drivers of Domestic Airline Mergers in Twenty Nations: Integrating Industrial Organization and International Businesss
Managerial and Decision Economics, Volume: 27(1), January-February, 2006, Pp 75-
Estimating Price-Cost Markups under Nonlinear Pricing competition
Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume: 2(2-3), April-
May, 2004, Pp 1431-
Antitrust Holdup Source, Cross-National Institutional Variation, and Corporate Political Strategy Implications for Domestic Mergers
Strategic Management Journal, Volume: 26(8), 2005, Pp 769-790
Lobbying and Regulation in a Political Economy: Evidence from the U.S. Cellular Industry
Public Choice, Volume: 122(3-4), 2005
The Political Economy of EU Merger Control
Journal of Law and Economics, University of Chicago Press, vol. 50, pages 455-489
European Sate Aid Control: an economic Framework
Handbook of antitrust economics, ed. Paolo Buccirossi, 625–669. Cambridge: MIT Press
Ökonimische Analyse des Begriffs significant impediment to effective competition
in Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed), 2007
C6 - Kommunikations- und Transporttechnologien, Industrie- und Regionalstruktur
The optimal institutional design of vertically related markets with unknown upstream costs
Review of Network Economics, November 2013, 12 (2) 183–210
Consumer standards as a strategic device to mitigate ratchet effects in dynamic regulation
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming
Industrial upgrade, unemployment shock and land centralization in China
Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 30, issue 4, pages 523-532, October, 2012
Optimal monetary and fiscal policies in a search-theoretical model with money and unemployment
Macroeconomic Dynamics, September, 2013, vol. 17(06), pages 1330-1354
The optimal institutional design of vertically related markets with unknown upstream costs
Review of Network Economics, 12 (2), 183-210, 2013
Consumer standards as a strategic device to mitigate ratchet effects in dynamic regulation
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming
The Economics of Pending Patents
in: J. Harrington and Y. Katsoulacos (eds.), Recent Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation, Edward Elgar (2012)
Digital Piracy: Theory
in: M. Peitz and J. Waldfogel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy, Oxford University Press, 547-571 (2012)
Upstream Market Power and Wasteful Retailers
Scandinavian Journal of Economics 115, 234-253 (2013)
Innovation and Waste in Supply Chain Management
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 86, 191-199 (2013)
Indirect Taxation in Vertical Oligopoly
forthcoming in Journal of Industrial Economics
Competition under Consumer Loss Aversion
forthcoming in Rand Journal of Economics
The Impact of Different Fibre Access Network Technologies on Cost, Competition and Welfare
Telecommunications Policy 36, 96-112 (2012)
Market Asymmetries and Investments in Next Generation Access Networks
Review of Network Economics 11(1), 1-25 (2012)
Network Investment, Access and Competition
Telecommunications Policy 36, 407-418 (2012)
Media Market Concentration, Advertising Levels, and Ad Prices
International Journal of Industrial Organization 30(conference volume), 321-325 (2012)
Informing Consumers about their own Preferences
International Journal of Industrial Organization 30, 417-428 (2012)
The Oxford Handbook of the Digital Economy
Oxford University Press (2012)
Der Ausbau neuer Netze in der Telekommunikation - institutionelle, ökonomische und juristische Betrachtungen (in German)
Nomos Verlag (2012)
The Actual Structure of eBay’s Feedback Mechanism and Early Evidence of the Effect of Recent Changes
International Journal of Electronic Business, Vol. 7, pp. 301–320
Umbrella Branding and the Provision of Quality
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 26, pp. 546-556
Platform Competition and Seller Investment Incentives
European Economic Review, Vol. 54, pp. 1059-1076
Markets and Strategies
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
Centralizing Information in Networks
Games and Economic Behavior, Elsevier, vol. 72(1), pages 149-162, May
Strategic Communication Networks
Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 77 (3), pp. 1072-1099
Labor Pooling in R&D Intensive Industries
Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 65 (1), pp. 99-111
Innovation, convergence and the role of regulation in the Netherlands and beyond, Telecommunications Policy
Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 32 (11), pp. 744-754
With a Little Help from my Enemy: Comparative Advertising as a Signal of Quality
Journal of Economics and Managemant Strategy, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 1071-1094
Access Regulation and the Adoption of VoIP
Journal of Regulatory Economics, Springer, vol. 35(2), pages 111-134, April 2010
Umbrella Branding and External Certification
European Economic Review, Vol. 53 (2), pp.186-196
Alliances between Competitor and Consumer Information
Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol 5 (4), pp. 823-845
Content and Advertising in the Media: Pay-TV versus Free-To-Air
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 26 (4), pp. 949-965
Reputation Mechanisms and Electronic Markets: Economic Issues for Procurement
Khi Thai et al. (eds.): Challenges in Public Procurement: an International Perspective, 2004
Asymmetric Access Price Reguation in Telecommunications Markets
European Economic Review, Vol. 49 (2), pp.341-358
Why the music industry may gain from free downloading - The role of sampling
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 24 (5), pp. 907-913
Competition in telecommunications: an introduction
Information Economics and Policy, Vol. 16 (3), pp. 315-321
Dynamic regulation and entry in telecommunications markets: a policy framework
Information Economics and Policy, Vol. 16 (3), pp. 411-437
Piracy of Digital Products: A critical Review of the Theoretical Literature
Information Economics and Policy, Volume: 18(4), pp. 449-476
A Strategic Approach to Software Protection: Comment
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2004, Vol 13(2), pp.371-374
Asymmetric Regulation of Access and Price Discrimination in Telecommunications
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2005, Vol. 28 (3), pp. 327-343
Leniency Policies and Illegal Transactions
Journal of Public Economics, vol. 90(6-7), pages 1281-
1297, August 2006
A Theory of Clearance Sales
Economic Journal 117, 964-990 (2007)
C7 - Organisation des Wertpapierhandels
An Analysis of Private Investors' Stock Market Return Forecasts
Applied Financial Economies, 2006
Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading - Does Trade Misclassification Matter?
Journal of Financial Markets, 2006
Eine empirische Untersuchung der individualisierten Veröffentlichung der Vorstandsvergütung
Die Betriebswirtschaft, 2006
Keywords: Executive compensation, corporate governance, self regulation
JEL classification: G14, G30, G32
Who Knows What When? The Information Content of Pre-IPO Market Prices
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Volume: 14, 2005, Pp 466-484
Information-Based Relative Consumption Effects: Correction
Econometrica , Volume: 73, 2005, Pp 1383-1387
A Characterization of the Distributions That Imply Existence of Linear Equilibria in the Kyle Model
Annals of Finance, Volume: 2, 2006, Pp 73-85
Competition between exchanges: Xetra versus Euronext
European Financial Management, forthcoming, 2007
An Analysis of Private Investors’ Stock Market Return Forecasts
Applied Financial Economics, 2006
Keywords: Behavioral Finance; Weekend effect; Weather effect
JEL classification: G14
Estimating the Probability of Informed Trading - Does Trade Misclassification Matter?
Journal of Financial Markets, 2006
Keywords: Informed trading, market microstructure, trade classification
JEL classification: G12, G14, C52
Does Anonymity Matter in Electronic Limit Order Markets?
Review of Financial Studies, 2006
Keywords: Market Microstructure, Limit Order Trading, Anonymity, Transparency, Liquidity, Volatility Forecasts
JEL classification: G10, G14, G24
Insider Trading and Corporate Governance: The Case of Germany
European Financial Management, forthcoming, 2007
with André Betzer
Existence of Linear Equilibria in the Kyle Model with Multiple Informed Traders
Annals of Finance, 2005
together with A6
C8 - Verhaltenstheoretische Implikationen für Märkte und Organisationen
Identity Changes and the Efficiency of Reputation Systems
forthcoming in Experimental Economics
Neural patterns underlying social comparisons of personal performance
A reward prediction error for charitable donations reveals outcome orientation of donators
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 8 (2): 216-223
Do Lab Experiments Misrepresent Social Preferences? The Case of Self-Selected Sutdent Samples
Journal of the European Economic Association 11(4): 839-852
Validating an Ultra-Short Survey Measure of Patience
Economics Letters, 120 (2)
A City-Wide Experiment on Trust Discrimination
Journal of Public Economics, 100: 15-27
Effort increases sensitivity to reward and loss magnitude in the human brain
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Living in Two Neighborhoods - Social Interaction Effects in the Laboratory
Economic Inquiry 51 (1): 563-578
Asymmetric Obligations
Journal of Economic Psychology.
It's all about Connections: Evidence on Network Formation
Review of Network Economics 11(3): Article 2
Neural responses to advantageous and disadvantageous inequity
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6 (165)
The Relationship Between Economic Preferences and Psychological Personality Measures
Annual Review of Economics 4
The Intergenerational Transmission of Risk and Trust Attitudes
Review of Economic Studies 79 (2) 645-677
Promotions and Incentives: The Case of Multi-Stage Elimination Tournaments
Journal of Labor Economics 30(1): 149-174
Morals and Markets
Science, 2013, 340, 707-711
No evidence for an effect of testosterone administration on delay discounting in male university students
Testosterone Administration Reduces Lying in Men
PLoS ONE 7(10): e46774. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046774
Does parental employment affect children's educational attainment?
Economics of Education Review 30 (2011), pp. 1456-1467
Institutions and Contract Enforcement
IZA DP 3435, 2008
Other-regarding Preferences in General Equilibrium
The Review of Economic Studies, accepted for publication
Competition and Relational Contracts: The Role of Unemployment as a Disciplinary Device
Journal of the European Economic Association 10(4): 887-907
An experimental test of the deterrence hypothesis
Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 28 (2012), pp. 447-459
Is the veil of ignorance only a concept about risk? An experiment
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 94(11-12), December 2010, pp. 1062-
Exploiting Naivete about Self-Control in the Credit Market
American Economic Review, Vol. 100(5), October 2010, pp. 2279–2303
Performance Pay and Multi-dimensional Sorting: Productivity, Preferences and Gender
American Economic Review, Vol. 101(2), April 2011, pp. 556-590
Reference Points and Effort Provision
American Economic Review, Vol. 101(2), April 2011, pp. 470-492
Lab Experiments Are a Major Source of Knowledge in the Social Sciences
Science, Vol. 326(5952), October 2009, pp. 535-538
Less fighting than expected - Experiments with wars of attrition and all-pay auctions
Public Choice, Vol. 144(1-2), July 2010, pp. 347-
Moral Norms in a Partly Compliant Society
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 68(1), January 2010, pp. 255-274
Are Risk Aversion and Impatience Related to Cognitive Ability?
American Economic Review, Vol. 100(3), June 2010, pp. 1238-1260
The medial prefrontal cortex exhibits money illusion
PNAS, Vol. 106(13), 2008, pp. 5025-5028
Direct Evidence on Risk Attitudes and Migration
Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 92(3) August 2010, pp. 684-689
Representative Trust and Reciprocity: Prevalence and Determinants
Economic Inquiry, Vol. 46(1), January 2008, pp. 84–90
Testing Theories of Fairness - Intentions Matter
Games and Economic Behaviour, Vol. 62(1), January 2008, pp. 287-303
Homo Reciprocans: Survey Evidence on Behavioral Outcomes
Economic Journal, Vol. 119(536), March 2009, pp. 592-612
Futile Attempts at Self-Sontrol
Journal of the European Economic Association (Papers and Proceedings),
Vol. 7(2-3), pp. 423–434, April-
May 2009
Competition and Price Variation when Consumers are Loss Averse
American Economic Review, Vol. 98(4), September 2008, pp. 1245–1268
C9 - Transparenz und Liquidität auf Finanzmärkten
The Fragility of Short-Term Secured Funding Markets
Journal of Economic Theory, 2014, forthcoming.
Repo Runs
Review of Financial Studies, 2014, forthcoming
Incentive-Compatibility and Differentiability: New Results and Classic Applications
Journal of Economic Theory 148, 2013, 1841-1861
Clustering in N-Player Preemption Games
Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming
Competition, Timing of Entry and Welfare in a Preemption Game
Economics Letters, 120, 509-512, 2013
Inefficient Entry Order in Preemption Games
Journal of Mathematical Economics 48 (2012) 445-460
Multi-Task Agency with Unawareness
Theory and Decision 2014, forthcoming
Incentives for Unaware Agents
Review of Economic Studies 79, 2012, 1151-1174.