12th SFB/TR 15 Young researchers Workshop in Munich, October 30-
31, 2015
Invitation and Call for Papers
Final (21th) Conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Tutzing, October 28-
30, 2015
Invitation and Call for Papers
Summer School 2015, Bronnbach Monastery, August 2-
11th SFB/TR 15 Young researchers Workshop in Bonn, April 24-
25, 2015
Invitation and Call for Papers
20th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Bonn, April 22-
24, 2015
Invitation and Call for Papers
10th SFB/Tr 15 Young researchers Workshop in Berlin, October 10-
11, 2014
Invitation and Call for Papers
19th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Berlin, October 8-
10, 2014
Invitation and Call for Papers
9th SFB/TR 15 Young researchers Workshop in Mannheim, April 4-
5, 2014
Invitation and Call for Papers
18th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Mannheim, April 2-
4, 2014
Invitation and Call for Papers
8th SFB/TR 15 Young researchers Workshop, November 08-
09, 2013
Invitation and Call for Papers
17th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Munich, November 06-
08, 2013
Invitation and Call for Papers
7th SFB/TR 15 Young researchers Workshop
Invitation and Call for Papers
16th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Bonn, April 17-
19, 2013
Invitation and Call for Papers
15th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Caputh (Berlin), November 20-
23, 2012
Invitation and Call for Papers
Ms. Tina Brinkmann is taking her maternity leave starting on May 1, 2012.
Her duties in the SFB headquarter have been taken over by Ms. Alexandra Frank.
14th conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Mannheim, April 18-
20, 2012
Invitation and Call for Papers
SFB/TR 15 headquarter moved to Munich
With effect of January 1, 2012, the headquarter of the SFB TR 15 moved from the University of Bonn to the University of Munich. Prof. Dr. Klaus Schmidt succeeds Prof. Dr. Urs Schweizer as the spokesman of the SFB for the third funding period.
SFB/TR 15 succeeds in acquiring funding for 2012-
The German Science Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) decided to continue the SFB for another four years.
Award for Armin Falk
The Yrjö-Jahnsson-Award has been awarded to Prof. Armin Falk, faculty member of the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn and project leader of the SFB TR 15.
13th Conference of the SFB/TR 15 in Munich, October 12-
14, 2011
Invitation and Call for Papers
ERC Advanced Grant for Prof. Dr. Moldovanu
Professor Dr. Benny Moldovanu, faculty member of the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn and project leader of the SFB TR 15, gains the „Advanced Investigators Grants“ of the European Research Council (ERC).
Workshop "Natural Experiments and Controlled Field Studies" in Munich, June 11-
13 2010
Internal SFB/TR 15 Conference 2010
Invitation and Call for Papers
Project A2 moved from Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), FU Berlin to Universität München
Hendrik Röller has been elected as Chairman of the German Economic Assosiation
Dalia Marin has been elected to the Council of the European Economic Association for the term January 2009 to December 2013
Preis" 2009 for Armin Falk
Preis" 2008 for Thomas Giebe and Oliver Gürtler
The "Walther-Rathenau-
Preis 2008" of the German Economic Association of Business Administration has been awarded to Thomas Giebe (A7) and Oliver Gürtler (B4) for their paper "Optimal Contracts for Lenient Supervisors" (SFB Discussion Paper No. 237).
Gossen Price 2008 for Armin Falk
The Gossen Price 2008 has been awarded to Prof. Armin Falk, faculty member of the Department of Economics at the University of Bonn and project leader of the SFB/TR 15.
The Gossen Price, awarded once a year by the Verein für Socialpolitik, is deemed the most distinguished price in economics in German-speaking countries.
Big time congrats!