Armin Falk (Project C8)
Armin Falk was awarded the Prize of the "Wirtschaftspolitischen Club Deutschlands" "Impulsrede zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft", September 2014
Dalia Marin (Project B7):
Dalia Marin has been elected to the Executive Committee of the International Economic Association, June 2014
Nadja Dwenger (Project A2):
Schmölders Preis by Verein für Socialpolitik, for the paper ”Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations for Tax Compliance: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany” (joint with Henrik Kleven, Imran Rasul and Johannes Rincke), May 2014
Volker Nocke (Project C5) :
7th Annual Robert F. Lanzilotti Prize for the Best Paper in Antitrust Economics, International Industrial Organization Conference, Chicago 2014 (for the paper "Internal vs. External Growth in Industries with Scale Economies: A Computational Model of Optimal Merger Policy" with Mermelstein, Satterthwaite & Whinston), April 2014
Christian Michel (Project C5)
was awarded the Reinhard-
Prize of the German Economic Association for his paper "Identification and Estimation of Intra-
Firm and Industry Competition via Ownership Change", September 2013
Robert Ulbricht defended his dissertation, "Essays in Informational Economics", April 2013
Petra Nieken and Andreas Niedermayer are organizing the seventh SFB-
TR15 workshop for young researchers in Bonn on April 19-
20, 2013. All Phd students, Postdocs and Juniorprofessors are strongly encouraged to participate.
Johannes Maier completed his PhD on February 8, 2012. For his dissertation entitled "Behavior under Risk and in Social Dilemmas: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches", he was awarded the VAC prize for the best dissertation in 2012.
Martin Pollrich, Roland Strausz -
TR15 Workshop-
Call “Mediation in Contract Theory“
December 7 -
8, 2012 – Humboldt-
Universität Berlin
Deadline: August 31
See Newsletter June 2012
Matthias Wibral -
IZA Young Labor Economist Award (joint with Johannes
Abeler, Steffen Altmann and Sebastian Kube)
Klaus Schmidt -
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology
Johannes Maier -
Successfully completed his PhD dissertation on “Behavior
under Risk and in Social Dilemmas: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches”
This year’s first internal SFB/TR 15 conference will be held in Mannheim from April
20. Registration deadline is January 31.
The renewal proposal for the SFB has been approved by the
9th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association (GLEA) 2011 in Bonn, October 28 and 29, 2011
Registration deadline August 15, 2011
Conference: "Credit Rating Agencies and the Certification Process" in Berlin, November 19-
20, 2010
Workshop "Natural Experimets and Controlled Field Studies" in Munich, June 11-
13 2010
ACE (Association for Competition Economics) 2009 Conference, ESMT Berlin, November 26 -
27, 2009.
Competition Policy is one of the most lively and active fields in which microeconomics is put to use in both theory and empirical analysis. Many project leaders in the SFB are engaged in conceptual work related to competition policy, and in the analysis of current policy cases.
The Association for Competition Economics was founded to bring together economists and lawyers working in the relevant governmental institutions, in academia and in the private sector and to provide a forum for the discussion of both issues and cases. The annual conferences mirror this by focusing around the discussion of the most interesting recent cases that have emerged in Europe. In each case, representatives from the key parties involved present their opinion on the case including their methodological and empirical base. In each case an impartial academic contributes by evaluating both the methodological back ground and the evidence presented, before the panel discussion is opened to the audience.
All members of the SFB are invited to this exciting event. Towards details, please consult http://www.competitioneconomics.org
Experimental Economics in Oslo October 30-
31 2009
Conference on "Trade Marks and Trade Mark Data” at OECD in Paris July 16th-
17th of July 2009
For further information please click here
SFB conference on "Behavioral Models of Market Competition" in Bad Homburg, June 18 -
June 21 2009
Workshop "Natural Experiments and Controlled Field Studies" in Munich, June 12 -
14, 2009
5 2009
Review of Economic Studies May Meetings – Munich, 22-
23 May 2009
5th SFB/TR 15 workshop for young researchers, Berlin, May 15-
16 2009
5th Christmas Meeting in Bonn -
German Economists Abroad, December 21 -
23, 2008
Workshop on the "Frontiers of Taxation" in Berlin, December 05 -
06, 2008
further information http://www.wzb.eu/mp/conf/taxation08/default.en.htm
Conference on "Strategic Information Acquisition and Transmission" in Munich, November 21 -
22, 2008
Workshop Academic Common Frame of Reference in Bonn, November 21 -
22, 2008
Other Conferences organized by SFB-Members
Workshop on the "Frontiers of Taxation"
Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), December 5-6, 2008
organized by Kai Konrad
und Steuerpolitik in Europa: Herausforderungen und Chancen
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, November 26 2008
organized by Kai A. Konrad, Tim Lohse
CESifo Venice Summer Institute 2008
Advances in the Theory of Contests and its Applications
San Servolo, July 18-19 2008
organized by Kai A. Konrad, Dan Kovenock
Conference and Special Issue of Economics of Governance
Causes and Consequences of Conflict
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, March 28-29 2008
organized by Kai A. Konrad
Workshop "Natural Experiments and Controlled Field Studies" will be held from June 14-
16, 2013 at the BVS in Holzhausen/ Ammersee.
The Workshop „Natural Experiments and Controlled Field
Studies“ (sponsored by the Fritz-Thyssen Stiftung,
the SFB/TR-15, and the Economics Departments of the
Universities of Ulm and Würzburg) will be held from June
14-16, 2013 at the BVS in Holzhausen/Ammersee.
More information can be found here.
The Chair for Economic Theory offers a temporary lecturer/postdoc position in microeconomics
The Chair for Economic Theory at the Department of
Economics at the University of Munich offers a temporary
lecturer/postdoc position in microeconomics starting on
October 1, 2013. The contract (at salary level TV-L E13) is
for two years initially and can be extended for another three
years. For further details see http://www.et.vwl.unimuenchen.de/jobs/index.html .
Sucessfully completed his PhD, the title
of his dissertation is „Essays on Financial Econonomics and
the Cost of Incentives“
by Caspar Siegert - October 2012
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Federal
Ministry for Economics and Technology
by Klaus Schmidt - 07.02.2012
Successfully completed his PhD dissertation on “Behavior under Risk and in Social Dilemmas: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches”
by Johannes Maier - 30.01.2012
Successfully completed his PhD
dissertation “Three Essays in Microeconomics”
by Dirk Hofmann - 25. October 2012
Sven Rady will serve as a Co-
Editor of the Journal of Math-
ematical Economics
From 1 May on
Workshop on Public Goods and Public Policy
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Gustav Stresemann Institute, Bonn
organized by Felix Bierbrauer
Award: Post-
doc Research Grant – 3rd edition
launched by Unicredit & Universities Foundation Scientific Committee
Iris Kesternich - February 2013
Bayerischer Verdienstorden
Monika Schnitzer - 10. October 2012
Dalia Marin has been appointed as a Panel Member of the
European Research Council (ERC)
Invited session on "The Rise of Executive Pay: Governance or International Trade?"
Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA 2008)
organized by Dalia Marin
Seminar on FDI and the Globalisation of European Markets
Department of Economics, University of Munich, October 24-25 2008
organized by Monika Schnitzer
As of March 1st 2013 Dietmar Harhoff has taken over the direction of a new research department at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich, as third director of the institute.
Workshop on Intellectual Property, Appropriation of Innovation Rents and Competition
Reisensburg/Günzburg, March 3-4 2008
organized by Dietmar Harhoff
Volker Nocke was elected Vice-
Chairman of the "Industrieoekonomischer Ausschuss" of the German Economic Association
February 2013
Volker Nocke was elected a member of the Steering
Committee of the Association of Competition Economics
February 2013
Volker Nocke was appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Theory
February 2013
Volker Nocke has been awarded a 5-
year Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC)
November 2012
16th WZB Conference on Markets and Politics
Deterrence in Competition Policy, October 17-18 2008
organized by Jo Seldeslachts, Thomas Duso and Lars-Hendrik Röller
The Economics of Advertising and Marketing
June 12-15 2008
organized by Martin Peitz
Preis der Berlin-
Brandenburgischen Akademie der
Armin Falk - 17.10.2011