Experimental Economics, Oslo October 30-31, 2009
You are invited to the 4th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental
Economics. The conference will take place in Oslo, October 30-31, 2009.
We are pleased to announce the following plenary speakers:
* Armin Falk from the University of Bonn
* Simon Gächter from the University of Nottingham
Call for papers
Papers from all fields of behavioral and experimental economics are welcome.
We especially encourage submissions on the topic of policy instruments, and
work based on field experiments, as we plan special sessions on these two
topics. You can submit either an extended abstract (maximum 2 pages) or a
full paper. The submission deadline is Friday August 14 by e-mail to
Please submit your abstract or paper in PDF format, and please state clearly
whether or not you want your paper (if accepted) to be available on the
conference website. We will make papers and abstracts available for download
and allow online user comments.
Notification of accepted papers will be provided by e-mail on September 11
at the latest.
For updates and more information, please see the conference website
The conference starts on Friday October 30th at 10 am. The conference will
close at approximately 4pm on Saturday October 31st. There will be parallel
sessions both days and a keynote speech each day before the buffet lunch.
The conference will take place at the University of Oslo (Faculty of Social
You can register for the conference by following this link:
http://tinyurl.com/9ou9cr. Please note that the registration process is
independent of the submission process: submitting a paper does not mean you
have registered for the conference. The maximum number of participants will
be limited, and we encourage early registration.
Conference dinner
There will be a conference dinner at Rica Victoria Hotel on Friday. The
price for the conference dinner is NOK 275 per person (drinks not included).
You need to sign up and pay for the conference dinner on the registration
form if you want to join us for the dinner: http://tinyurl.com/9ou9cr.
You need to make your own accommodation arrangements. We have, however,
arranged for a discounted price of NOK 875 per night at the Rica Victoria
Hotel. We have made a block reservation at the hotel for conference
participants. To make use of this offer, you need to book the hotel on your
registration form: http://tinyurl.com/9ou9cr.
You should be advice that hotel room supply in Oslo often falls short of
demand. You are therefore encouraged to make you hotel reservations as early
as possible.
There is no conference fee, but you have to cover your own travel costs and
accommodation, and pay for the conference dinner - if you choose to
participate. We do not have the capacity to help you with your travel or
accommodation arrangements, or to provide personal invitations.
Please forward this invitation to others that might be interested!
Hope to see you in Oslo in October!
Steffen Kallbekken --
Conference organizer
Geir Asheim |
Kjell Arne Brekke | Conference committee members
Karine Nyborg |
Professor Dr. Armin Falk
Department of Economics
University of Bonn
Adenauerallee 24-42
D-53113 Bonn
Tel.: ++49-228 73 9240
Email: armin.falk@uni-bonn.de
Web: www.uni-bonn.de/~afalk